
Responses from rives

CD Burning Software redux
We use Nero at Rives Audio to burn our masters. Combined with the Yamaha burner it's very good. We can highly recommend it. 
I'm looking for inexpensive bookshelf speakers.
I agree with your original assessment of the B&W. I also like the Epos speakers in that range. You can usually find some of their speakers that retail above $1000 for about half that used here. 
VPI Record Clamps
I didn't even know about the one piece. Mine is the 2 piece. No problems except light scratches between the two pieces. I found it to be great. This stuff is interesting. In almost all forms of vibration control, which this is, one thing will work... 
Got an old VPI PLC......
I had a PLC and upgraded to the SDS. It was a very small difference, although I've heard others state the difference was quite substantial. Most people are very sensitive to speed fluctuations. My guess is that in some environments under some cond... 
VPI Record Clamps
I wouldn't quite go so far to say it kicks butt, but the difference was more than just noticable. I think the carbon fiber just damps the record better. It just sounded quieter and a bit more refined in the lower frequencies. 
VPI Record Clamps
I have VPI TNT and bought the same clamp--for the exact same reason. The pin popped out of the old one and while I was able to fix it, it did a second and third time and was a real pain to fix. So I bought the BDR and really like it. 
Why aren't component active XOs more popular?
When done write active XO is fantastic. I use it my reference system and I think we will find more companies in the very high end moving in this direction. However, once you do active XO and get it right, you are not likely to to sell your active ... 
Good speaker selector box
That sounds pretty good. I did not know parasound made one of these, but I have always thought they provided good value / performance ratios--so you should be pretty happy with it. 
Good speaker selector box
Niles is probably one of the better ones. They have them with and without gain control. You should get ones with protection for low impedance if you are connecting all 6 pairs to one (or even 2) amps. 
Kel--A room within a room is the ultimate in sound isolation. When building it's not that much more expensive--but you eliminate structure born vibration. The only way to step it up is to consider the floor (putting a sound absorbing matt under th... 
We recently wrote an article on sound proofing. It's on our resource page. In the column titled "Rives Articles". It should answer some, perhaps all, of your questions. 
Most "Ruthlessly Revealing" Speakers. Your opinion
I consider this for excellent studio monitors. Ones that won't let flaws hide. Recording engineers need that. So why do they use garbage brand X? That's another thread--we won't go there now. But ruthless in this sense doesn't mean bad--it means y... 
Why are audiophiles perceived as being wackos?
A great thread--and very well stated Teajay. Now for me, I look at people that collect many things and just scratch my head and believe they are the screwballs. For example, I enjoy good wine, but can't understand those that collect more wine than... 
phantom center channel
I agree with the above. I'm currently not using a center channel and it's working very well, and I don't have to physically have a speaker in between my mains. If it is for one or 2 people you can get away very well with a phantom center--and ofte... 
Vinyl Organization
I wrote a microsoft access file for this. It exports to excel (for the same reason as you want). However, it does not have a CDDB entry feature (that would be nice). It's worked well for me, and has saved me many times with my PDA--not buying an a...