
Responses from rives

best way to convert a sdpif to aes ???
Genesis lens is a good way if you are sticking with redbook (16/44). There are others, I think the Monarchy (the newer one) will do higher resolution. 
Piano only...
Dick Hyman plats Fats Weller on Reference Recordings is excellent. Fred Hersch Songs without Words is solo piano. Most of his other work is with a trio. Art Tatum has a number of piano solo works, though the recording quality on many of these is m... 
Krell KMA 160 Mono Block - How to connect speaker
Their explaination is right. I own a pair of these. They just did this so that you could easily use 2 sets of single wires for bi-wiring and possibly use different ones for top and bottom. A nice feature--though I never use it. 
Room Acoustics Corner Problems
I believe you can use the angle to your advantage--but how is not really so trivial. Bass traps for sure, but what type is the question and it depends on the rest of the room and speakers. The ones described above are predominantly absorptive and ... 
Two subwoofers or One?
On our website there are two resources that will help you. One is a paper on speaker placement. It includes subwoofer location. The second is a paper by Todd Welti and Floyd Toole on the use of multiple subwoofers.Here's a link to our Resource Page. 
Does soundproofing improve or harm sound?
Go to our resource page. Look in the column of acoustical articles. You will see the 10th one on Sound Isolation. I recommend you read this. It will give you some valuable insight I hope. 
Can I soundproof a rec room that's already built?
Go to our resource page. Look in the column of acoustical articles. You will see the 10th one on Sound Isolation. I recommend you read this. It will give you some valuable insight I hope. 
Absorbers or Diffusors for 1rst/2nd refl. points?
It depends so much on so many factors in the room. Most rooms need both. Small rooms tend to need a lot of diffusion, where as larger ones as a percentage tend to need more absorption. But this is just a rule of thumb, and other items can affect i... 
I'm by no means an expert in this, but use a THX rule of thumb for 1080P. The width viewing angle should be no more than 36 degrees. That means the sitting distance should be at least 1.6 (approximately) times the width of the screen or you can th... 
electrosats "toed out"?
It's not going to work I'm afraid. The planar nature--and flat panel vs curved--necessarily means a very narrow sweet spot. You do get exception imaging when you are in the sweet spot--but it doesn't work off axis. If you toe the speakers out you ... 
Home theater center channel decision to make.
Well--I'm going to offer a completely different opinion here. If the priority is 2 channel listening and it's typically used as an HT for 1 or 2 people, use a phantom center, where the center channel is divided amoungst the mains. Here are the adv... 
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2005
Rives Audio will be there and will be giving several seminars on Room Acoustics. 
Should i cross speakers over to "small"?
THX and almost ever professional group in HT recommend setting all speakers to small. Only in rare instances do we set the mains to large for HT. 
Thinking about a tube roll to Brimar or Telefunken
I'm with Albert on this one. I find the Telefunken to be the best I've used and I have tried the Brimar. Brandon at tube world has been a great resource to me. I am NOT a tube expert by any stretch of the imagination. He has helped educate me (I s... 
David Elrod. the man , the cable the company.
I've known David Elrod for a few years and I am not at all surprised by what you have to say. He is always a gentelman, courteous, and informative.