
Responses from rives

New Subpanel?
If it's cost no object, then an Equitech wall mount unit. The downside--expensive and heavy, but they work unbelievably well. We use them for many of our recording studio designs and some high end listening rooms. 
2 subwoofer???
This technique is usually used for HT when the subs are in mono or LFE. You can cancel certain room modes by placement with 2 subs much better than one. On our resource page there are a few articles that can be very helpful, possilbe the most help... 
How flat should my room response be?
We consider a room flat if it's within +/- 3 db in general--this varies somewhat depending on size because the smaller the room the harder it is to achieve that--larger rooms can be better than that. If you have bumps at 5 db or greater that is pr... 
33 vs 45 speed quality
I've bought quite a few albums on 33 and then the 45 version when available. These are with various labels, but my comparison is generally within a particular label. In all cases I've found the 45 rpm to be significantly better. Any album that I r... 
who surprised and who disappointed
Patricia Barber live was incredible. I figured she would be, but had no idea the talent of her musicians until I saw them first hand. Absolutely incredible.Harry Bellafonte (okay I don't think much of his political positions currently--but his mus... 
where to buy a BNC to RCA component cable?
Better cables at www.bettercables,com would be a good choice. 
Looking For High Quality Drum Music.
Mickey Hart "Dafos" 
Building a Music Room
If it's DIY our resource section may help you. 
40hz room mode RPG Modex Corner trap?
Nik--sorry been away from the gon for a while. The Modex has not been effective in our practical experience. It wasn't even an issue of how many. As to the Helmhotz--these are very tricky. Alton Everest does a nice write-up on them in Master Handb... 
40hz room mode RPG Modex Corner trap?
If we could deal with 40 Hz effectively passively we would not have made the PARC. We have tried the Modex--and we love RPG products and use them all the time in our designs, but we have not gotten good results with the Modex. At 40 Hz, there's a ... 
Speaker Placement
Wanted to make a correction--or clarification. I think Flmlamb is talking about our level 2 design services, which are $2250. This is far more than just set up, this does a complete design of acoustics in the room. Many of our dealers will do set ... 
Hallelujah by Lenard Cohen
Actually, if you are into literature Iowa City is one of the capitols of our country in that respect. 
Hallelujah by Lenard Cohen
Marco:Thanks--my doors are open you are welcome to listen the next time you are in Iowa city (I should be safe--who goes to Iowa City?) Seriously though, I'm always happy to have a listening session with fellow audiophiles. 
Hallelujah by Lenard Cohen
Marco:I'm pretty sure you have to play it backwards to hear the lyrics. 
Hallelujah by Lenard Cohen
Lvk47: What a great resource. I found what I was looking for. Patricia O'Callaghan, Real Emotional Girl. I knew I owned this song sung by a female vocalist, but couldn't find it. She's not exactly mainstream. Marco: I have Famous Blue Raincoat--on...