
Responses from newbee

Tweaks - An Honest Discussion
Funny thing about my experience with 'tweaks' (which I consider to be outboard stuff which are add on's, not primary equipment such as cables, interconnects, etc).  I could most always hear a change but, as time passed, not so much. I eventually f... 
What can I expect to hear from a decent analog FM Tuner?
FWIW, I have a couple of excellent vintage tuners and a local college. This AM I was listening to some classical music on my inexpensive Yamaha T-85. The audio was as good, or at least nearly as good, and either of my CDP's. Your main limitation o... 
Older And Wiser or just Tighter and Deafer?
FWIW, if you are presently healthy you could easily outlive any components you might now buy. What I would do (and actually have) is to redirect my attention to simplifying my system using quality components to facilitate the ease of use when you ... 
Better amp or better tubes?
Take Atmasphere's advice. Freshening up power tubes can make a large difference. Just did that on my amp - same type/brand. Tightened up the bass added gain clarity in the mid range and restored the highs. The worst possible result is you will hav... 
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....
I still have a good NPR station in the area and currently use a Yamaha T85. Good FM and AM (for talk shows, etc). Things are so cheap now I couldn't resist picking up a used Kenwood T07 modified and aligned. FM only. We'll see. 
Question about Tone Controls + Equalizers
I agree re use of a Loki in a headphone system. I've never heard my system with such clarity and, with a tweak of the 2k knob, I can get rid of a lot of upper mid-range glare common with poor(er) CDs. (I'm using  Mr Speaker headphones, and a Wadia... 
Audio Asylum access?
Not now. Just checked. 
Floor Stander or Monitor w/ 2 subs? What does the later give up in a large room?
LOL, I can identify! I got my Bolero's about 8 years ago and finally stopped thinking changes in my electronic's etc, would bring my other (older) speakers back to life and have stopped trying. Not even close. :-) 
Floor Stander or Monitor w/ 2 subs? What does the later give up in a large room?
They are a bit pricey and rarely do they come out on the used market, but if you can afford them Silverline 17's are superb. 
Speakers that can reveal orchestral instruments' positions
Many speakers can do this quite well IF it is in the recording in the first place (and it usually ain't) and IF your speakers are properly set up (often not).There is a consequence, however, in focusing on getting an exacting stereo image. It take... 
3 budget speaker cable choices
I used the Canare 4s11 for a number of years, replacing some Cardas. I was satisfied, sorta. New speakers arrived and shortly thereafter so did the 'need' to explore cables. Thought I'd try the Belden (10ga) sold by BJC. I was impressed - the soun... 
It looks like a debate to me.
Fuzztone, FWIW I believe that some folks in this forum have found an output to express themselves and fulfill their pent up need for recognition (from strangers no less). They post frequently, speak authoritatively, and often at great length, on m... 
It looks like a debate to me.
You are probably not alone, but your posts begs the question, if you find commentary here of little value (to you of course) why do you waste your time here. Just to validate your opinion perhaps? Personally I'd rather read a good book or listen t... 
Guest suddenly takes it upon herself to move my speakers
Wait 'til she starts rearranging you! Personally I'd pass on this lady :-). Been there, done that (but only once). 
Please suggest a few really good classical recordings
Lets be honest here, recorded classical orchestral music will never approach, or equal live performances. Ever!  For me they are a learning opportunity both the music itself and performance standards and variations. Given that proviso, I totally e...