
Responses from newbee

Opinion: Half of the reason to listen to choral works is the acoustics in the recording
Something only an audiophile would say. For myself, I listen because I love the music. The acoustic of the recording venue can be additive or subtractive but is not, for me anyway,  a motivating factor. Like most other large scale music it pales i... 
Location of instruments in the orchestra...
Could be the source has the channels reversed. Check all of your connections to be sure they are plugged in correctly. If you have a CD or LP of a another symphony play it and see if it is correct.  
If you do decide to try using just the platter sans mat don't forget to adjust your VTA. Personally I'd use the mat which should help minimize micro vibrations.  
Turntable placement and isolation
indranilsen, If you're not in love with the results of #1 and don't/can't do #2 you might consider a different  TT with a spring suspension where the springs are between the top of the plinth and the supporting plate for the arm and platter. I use... 
Turntable placement and isolation
Indranilsen, Well that pretty much rules out anything that is 'anchored' to the floor. You might try mass loading but frankly I doubt that that would help much either., the floor would still transmit foot falls.  Wall mounting might be your best s... 
Tuners you wish you had back?
Accuphase T 100 and T 101. Both died after about 43 years of service. Couldn't find anyone to fix them. Now using a Yamaha T85. Nice little tuner. Excellent reception. 
Cooling fan for tube amp?
I use an Airplate T7 cabinet cooling fan. This is a pair of fans which operate by a control which selects speeds, both manually and automatically by a setting the desired  temp. I use mine in open space mounted behind the amp in an open cabinet. A... 
Tube amp crackle noise with pre-amp volume at zero.
Most likely noisy small tubes, inherently noisy. Could be power tubes but usually this is not the case. FWIW the volume control usually appears in the circuit before the tube amplification and only attenuates the signal from the source. Next tubes... 
Turntable placement and isolation
indranilsen, I think you know where I was going with this but, in view of other comments I thought I'd amplify for what ever that may be worth. Needfreestuff is absolutely correct - 1)Wood floors can be lossy (as hell) and 2) I too would never pla... 
Tubed Preamp recommendations?
jl1ny, I believe you are correct that the Prologue Premium replaced the Prologue 3. I'm not sure just how much it changed, if at all. Watch out for a high output impedance, that might limit you choice of amps. In your price range I think I'd like ... 
Turntable placement and isolation
FWIW, before you try anything elaborate (and expensive) you might try just placing a solid piece of wood on the carper (not on points) so the effect of the carper and its pad is spread over a wide surface and put your turntable on this and see wha... 
Does the first reflection point actually matter??
Not exactly on point, but close For those of you who want to have the greatest clarity from your speakers and have decided to put 1st point reflection killers on the outer sides of your speakers already, try putting an identical pair on the inside... 
Tubed Preamp recommendations?
You referred to a Primaluna 3, but not the model. I assume you meant the Prologue which I owned for a few years. My experience with it was not outstanding - with its matching amp (a Prologue 5e in my house) it was fine, but not so much with the ot... 
Best Audio Research amp to compliment SP-11 tube-hybrid preamp
Before you buy a D115 consider how you will handle it’s servicing, especially just simple tube changes. Biasing this amp is a bitch. And if a tube blows, and they do, it will take out a resistor in the bias circuit which will have to be replaced a... 
Does the first reflection point actually matter??
Yes I have. Quads and Accustats. Both ultimately set up about 5 ft from the back wall and I used diffusion on the back wall mostly between the speakers. No side wall considerations were necessary due to the limited horizontal dispersion patterns o...