
Responses from newbee

It was 20 years ago today...
When I feel introspective it’s kind of fun to look back at what I and others were talking about, or for that matter not talking about, back when I joined in 2001 to get away from the world events of the time. I started out using Audiogon to source... 
How Do You Live The Audiophile Life
mijostyn, for most folks I think it is probably easier, and certainly cheaper, to put together a great high end system, than to find the 'right' woman. Try getting rid of a 'wrong' woman!  And no one wants to take them as trade in's. :-)  
Classical Music for Aficionados
Too bad Moravec didn't record more music for the solo piano. I have his Brahms Intermezzo Op117, #2 and OP118 , #2. This recording (Vaia 1096) was my introduction to Brahms solo piano music. Tough to follow up on this. Fortunately for other pianis... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Thanks for the reference. I haven't heard Ormandy's version in quite a few years - I disassembled my vinyl system and gifted it all, records included, to my son in law. Now I have only CD's and this is not one of them. 
How Do You Remove CD Booklet/Artwork?
I replaced the hard plastic boxes for soft plastic envelopes. Takes up about 80% less space in a dedicated 'drawer' filing system (I have an excessive amount of CD's).  The envelope has has pockets on each of it two sides,one for the disc the othe... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
jim, IMHO there is nothing wrong with how you feel about poorly recorded music. I have many, well at least quite a few, records which I bought solely because of the quality of the performance despite the poor quality of the recording. I wanted to ... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Rachmaninoff's Vespers - FWIWRe music recommendations vs audiophile recommendations, to paraphrase rvpiano, one must be aware of your audience's priorities when making recommendations. Fortunately, in this case it really is a win/win proposition.S... 
What was in your first "real" higher end audio system?
My evolution into 'higher' end audio finally arrived when I bought an ARC SP10II, an Oracle TT with a Benz Glider, an Accuphase T100 tuner, a Threshold SA 3 amp, and Thiel 3.5 speakers.  Lots of stuff of various quality came an went before but thi... 
How has the Magnum indoor antenna SR-100 worked for you?
I use one in my attic. I'm out in the country some 40 miles from a good NPR station and have a very sensitive tuner. I get excellent results with the antenna in a horizontal position pointed at the station. Not so much in a vertical position.  
The Forest for the Trees
Another thought about 'audiophile angst' brought on by attempting to obtain maximum imaging as heard from the apex of  a triangulated set up.  How would true omni speakers work out? I've never tried due to the expense involved (amp/speakers) and t... 
Highly Questionable Music Suggestions.
On point, I think, but not often addressed.If you don't know the music in a review how could you relate to the findings. A corollary, if you don't know the reviewer, his room and his stuff, how could his review be meaningful to you except in findi... 
Subwoofers - Front Firing or Down Firing - Which Sounds Best?
Some where I read that the manner in which low bass propagates from a woofer reduces any meaningful differences between bottom firing or front (or rear) firing. I can't recall my source -   
The Forest for the Trees
Perhaps for someone suffering from 'audiophile angst', a common disease around here I think, is simply to have three libraries, one for near SOTA recordings,  one for near SOTA performances, and a third one, much much smaller, for SOTA recording/e... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
The last movement of Mahler's 2d symphony - the 'resurrection' part of the symphony for me. Turn up the volume for this! It almost stands on its own. Almost...... 
HELP! - Need a Repair Recommendation for my Raysonic Amp
I have experienced your problem with several other amp's and each time, as suggested by oldhvymec, I lost a resistor in the bias circuit, replaced it and all was fine. FWIW there are quite a few manufacturers that use a 'sacrificial' resistor as o...