
Responses from newbee

CHANDOS label...
Certainly not better, but at least complimentary in their catalog. On average, SQ wise, Hyperion might be a tad better. In comparison between the two, I would say that Hyperion might be a bit more neutral and Chandos a bit more rich. Unfortunately... 
CHANDOS label...
I think the Chandos' catalog is the best reason for their existence. They have recorded a lot of music that is overlooked by other major labels and is worth exploring. SQ and performances are good to excellent (like other most other labels).   
PrimaLuna Preamp Upgrade Question
Re speaker set up, it’s really not possible to suggest a set up starting point as you have not really described your room, however tablejockey’s recommendation for the Cardas calculator is a good one as a starting point. Overall your end result wi... 
PrimaLuna Preamp Upgrade Question
I've been using PL's for some years. I've found that so much of what I expect of my (integrated) amp depends on its tone, which in turn depends on tube selection. For example, if I want a full, warm tone, I'd use Tung Sol 6550's, and for a cooler ... 
RM9 won't turn on - switch?
 I'm not familiar with your amp but there is a good possibility that a failed tube took out a resistor or fuse in the bias circuit.  
Classical Music for Aficionados
Cal91, I probably should have mentioned - re Moravec's Chopin, I started with his Nocturnes on an Electra Nonsuch disc(s) presently available of Amazon.  Outstanding and well worth the price. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Hard to fault your choice, this is excellent Chopin. However don't miss Moravec. IMHO its the best regardless of how you like your Chopin.FWIW, in a modern recording its hard to beat Louis Lortie's Chopin on Chandos. These are my current  favorite... 
Oldest Recordings that sound “audiophile”
This post got me thinking (a rare occasion) and I dug out some of my old Mercury Living Presence recordings which I haven't listened to in many years. The first recording was the Liszt PC's recorded in Moscow. Was this a SOTA recording? I don't th... 
Indoor FM antenna
You might try a 1/2 wave antenna. I use one effectively (in my attic). You might be able to use one in your music room but you probably can’t hide it. You can use it vertically as an omni or horizontially pointed at the station you listen to mostl... 
Oldest Recordings that sound “audiophile”
Professor Johnson's Astounding Sound Show recorded in the late 50's is just that, an amazing sound show. I can bring the house down with the cut of African Drum(ing).  Amazing what could be done back then.  
Help with Hum issues.
IC’s (short for interconnects) are what you refer to as ’wires’. There are low quality ones (thin, uninsulated, and cheap - usually furnished with inexpensive audio/vidio components) and much better quality and insulated ones. This could easily be... 
Help with Hum issues.
Have you tried using a ’cheater’ plug on the end of the preamp power cord? Some times it is good to have only one plug with the ground (on the amp cord) - the rest of the stuff benefits from that ground. It is safe, if not preferable, to use the c... 
Help with Hum issues.
OK. Did you try what I suggested?  What happened?  That always works for me when I'm trying to source a problem. 
Help with Hum issues.
Following up on my post, your speakers should be connected when you start with my suggestion. 1) First connect ONLY the amp and speakers. Turn on. No hum then on to step 2)2) Add pre-amp with no sources connected, such as your tuner, phono, etc, c... 
Help with Hum issues.
I realize you have done a lot of stuff to find your problem, never the less if you haven't already done this I would highly recommend it. The easiest way to source a hum is to disconnect all of your sources from your amp. Turn the amp on - any hum...