
Responses from newbee

Does the first reflection point actually matter??
BTW Eric, you seem to only be concerned with 1st reflections off the outside side wall. Don’t forget the effect of 1st reflections off the back wall, floor and ceiling. All important I think. Also consider the propriety of using the LE/DE methodol... 
Does the first reflection point actually matter??
By your question you seem to assume that 1st reflection points are correctly treated by using panels etc. I suspect that there are other and, perhaps, better ways and this is often just a band aid approach which facilitates placing the speakers to... 
My pet peeve: "revealing" speakers
Mozartfan, Please take a moment if you will and describe for us exactly how you would find a speaker truly neutral to the source? What would you recommend others do to that same end? 
My pet peeve: "revealing" speakers
IMO the easiest way to get ’revealing’ components, including speakers, is to reduce output in the lower mid range which effectively reveals more information in the mid range, or in many instances increasing the output in the upper mid range/lower ... 
Soundstage gone
Iviv, Initially I took your post literally, i.e. the only signal you got from your new system was in mono. Upon re-reading your post, and subsequent posts, I am no longer feeling  as sure. In fact I'm starting to think that perhaps you might have ... 
Soundstage gone
FWIW, while I’m not sure about Teo_Audio’s terms I can assure you that some products do need to "break in" to reach their normal performance. I don’t think a long period is necessary to hear the promise of great things to come but from my experien... 
Soundstage gone
Dumb question time. Have you accidentally pressed the mono button on your amp? That would do it every time. ;-) 
Soundstage gone
Very interesting problem I think. You appear to be using it correctly (into a line stage) I don't know that it makes any difference, but are you using RCA's or balanced outputs? Just to see where the problem might be why not just try bypassing the... 
Audio research Ref.3 vs Primaluna Dialogue premium preamp
The principal reason I'd probably select a Primaluna over the ARC is that with the ARC is what you hear is what you get. You really can't change the tone by rolling tubes. With the Primaluna you can change the tone quite effectively by simply chan... 
Soundstage gone
Do I understand you correctly - you are plugging  the RCAs from the turntable (actually arm/cartridge) into something other than the phono stage in your preamp (or a separate outboard phono stage)?If so that is your problem. An MC cartridge genera... 
Where do you buy your CDs these days?
FWIW I just ordered and received an order in about 7 days so they must have solved their pandemic problem.  Since they send postal their caution might relate more to the service USPS provides  than their own shipping and England's postal. Net cost... 
Tin Foil Hat Audio
Yes, what you say rings a bell for many I think, but until one has really acquired acute hearing skills it woulds be premature to judge and, FWIW, a lot of folks in these forums just haven't arrived at that level of expertise. Caveat emptor for su... 
What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby?
Buying excellent components in the first place based on the recommendations of others before I had developed the expertise to really evaluate it, then selling it for better (?) stuff to 'improve' my system.  I knew nothing (to speak of) about syne... 
Honest question about cartridge vs. turntable performance.
IMO you have to divide operational criteria into two categories one for things that are absolutely necessary for proper performance and the second is for sound preference.#1, speed stability, vibration control, and motor insulation/location (so it... 
Looking for a speaker cable with a relaxed sound.
Different time, different speakers, but I was experiencing your issues. I listened to some Belden 10 ga cable from Blue Jeans and it solved my issues to a T. And it is cheap to try first even if it doesn't work for you.