
Responses from newbee

What would you do?
Sound staging, especially 'depth  of image' is principally the product of the recording. If it is there, and in few it is, the rest of it is found in your speaker/room set up. You are not likely to be able to enhance sound staging to any meaningfu... 
What would you do?
I agree w/Jones. Get a Schitt Loki, a 4 band tone control which will help you tailor your sound issues. It has bands at 400 and 2000hz which might easily help correct your problem. You put it between your source and your integrated amp. It is rela... 
Strange buzz issue!
Try putting a 'cheater' plug on the pre-amp and see if hum goes away. If it does you have a simple grounding issue to resolve (then the debate about how will commence). 
Gain Matching - need advice
FWIW I agree with markmuse. They are cheap and effective. Obviously they require another set of cables and you (as some others) might find them less than transparent). If you can they would be great in a tape loop. If you found you really liked th... 
Shopping for new speakers-need ideas... Selling old DQ-10's...
Don't know if you can use this in your system but, on the cheap side of solutions which might work you can always try a Schitt Loki, a tone control which has a control centered at 2k Hz which can really tone down that upper mid-range which many fi... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Mendelssohn's 'Songs Without Words' was my first attraction  to his music for solo piano (many years ago). I started with Barenboim's and most recently acquired Shelley's in the 4 vol set. All good - I think I still like Barenboim's more of these ... 
AR LS17SE Volume Control
Yep, you are missing something. Equipment matching most probably. My first guess is that your speakers are very efficient. Next is that your amp is too sensitive. You can cure this by inserting in-line attenuators between your amp and pre-amp. You... 
Frequency Response
Sounds like a null related to chair location and room dimensions. Try moving your chair backward or forward 6 inches (more or less) and see if the frequency amplitude changes.  
Replacement for SED 6550C Winged C
FWIW I read somewhere that the reissue Gold Lion KT88's had a similar tone. My SED6550's are still working so I haven't tried them (yet?).  Also, as an alternative in another amp to the SED 6550's I've been using Tungsol 6550's. The are a tad warm... 
Fanfare for the Common Man, recording in your experience?
Reference Recording has a version along with an excellent Symphony #3. Excellent performance and the recording quality is outstanding (especially for an audiophile). 
What did your system look like 30 years ago?
Quad USA 63'sARC SP10 MkIIThreshold SA3Oracle TTBenz GliderAccuphase T100 Tuner 
What does 'cold' mean? What does 'warm' mean?
Zufan, You are  right! So much for my editing skills.The first sentence should have read "Cold = decrease.......". But the good part of this is I now know at least one person was reading my post. :-) 
What does 'cold' mean? What does 'warm' mean?
Cold = Increase in upper bass/lower mid range frequencies. Mid range and high frequencies can seem to be emphasized, seen by some as an increase in transparency/detail. Warm = increase in upper bass/lower mid range frequencies.  Tends to diminish ... 
I admire Miles Davis, i admire Stravinsky; but i loved Chet Baker and Scriabin...You?
Beethoven, Sibelius, and Mahler I love. The rest I admire, for the most part anyway. Some more, some less, mostly Eastern European and Russian composers. Interesting, I think, that I appear to be the only person, at least in this thread, who loves... 
I love sad music
 Cassidy's version of Danny Boy. The repression the Irish experienced at the hands of their neighbors. Very Sad! Beautiful tune non the less.Another Cassidy tune that has a more up-lifting yet sad note which she is just superb singing, Over the Ra...