
Responses from newbee

Classical Music for Aficionados
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I just ordered the set from Presto. 
You are experiencing a problem that is inherent in the 'stereo' design. 'In phase' information is only heard between the speakers. Sound coming from outside  the speakers appears only when it is bounced off the walls/ceiling and floor or 'out of p... 
When did you most enjoy the music?
I enjoyed music the most when I was in the process of discovery. Audio was not such a big deal back then and 'sweet spot' was practically unheard of. My audio system has improved markedly since then. Its properly set up and I sit in the sweet spot... 
Schumann generators: placebo or...?
Oh no, say it's not so! :-)  
The Absurdity of it All
I think one, just one, of the major contributors to the confusion about the results of loss of hearing at an advanced age is the failure of people to recognize much of what they hear and judge audio highs by resides in much lower frequency ranges.... 
Can you get proper imaging if speakers are not the same distance from center?
If it sounds good to you then it is good. You are obviously aware that this is not a preferred audiophile set up. The image should not be centered but shifted toward your nearest speaker. If you want to see how much your image is skewed put on a g... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Schubert, Irina Bogdanovich is one impressive alto, just plain marvelous!Is this available on CD. I haven't been able to find it. 
Bach Recording Recommendations
Beatrice Rana's Goldberg Variations is hard to beat. Love it! 
If you don't have a wide sweet spot, are you really an audiophile?
A real audiophile never has a wide sweet spot! :-) IME it's not so hard to get a wide(r) sweet spot by simply crossing the axis of your speakers well ahead of the sitting position(s). But what you might lose in doing so is the optimum depth of ima... 
The Absolute Sound vs Pleasing Sound
An intelligent and well founded view I think. At least if mirrors mine. :-) 
SQ vs. Music
In retrospect I think I spent far too much time (and money!) worrying about achieving SQ  as described by the audio guru's. Not so much now - music selection is my only priority (unless something in my system is failing). My system/set up is very ... 
What causes the music to hum and distort when playing a vinyl record
Counter intuitive perhaps, but try disconnecting the ground wire. Next make sure your 'wires' are not routed near any power supplies or transformers.  
Vinyl headache from hell!!!
Anti skate setting perhaps? 
Reference Recordings
Just for fun I dug out Eiji Oue’s Mephisto & Co CD. I played it back on my Marantz 11S3 CDP. Sort of closed in and dullish - greatly reduced sound stage. I run up the volume - it improved considerably, but really nothing great. Then I put it o... 
Help! Can't Get Rid Of Buzz in system at Higher Volumes
Did you try a simple cheater plug on the Sutherland power cord. I know that that you did try a Hum X but that is not as simple as a cheater. I used one succesfully on a CDP which also introduced a 'buzz'.