
Responses from newbee

Biggest "bang for the buck" audio gear you have owned(in your history)?
Audio Research SP10II. Bought in '85. Used thru 2010. My current Silverline Boleros. Quad 63s USA Monitors and an Threshold SA 3. All great stuff, then and still. 
Looking for a tube preamp with remote control.
Simple set up. Two additional short I/C's to and from tape out/in and plug it in. When you want to use it you just switch to 'tape in'. If you want to hear it without the remote you simply switch back to 'source'. FWIW I used a Placette which is a... 
Looking for a tube preamp with remote control.
Why not just get an add on passive remote control and insert it into your pre-amps tape loop? Worked well for me.  A good quality one will not change the sound of your system. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
A special thank you to Jim for his recommendation this spring of the music by Zlata Chochieva. I got it all presently available. I'm especially fond of her Etudes by Chopin.  Lyrical and then some. :-) 
The first system you had that was "high end/audiophile", by you standards
1985+/-. ARC SP10II, Oracle Delphi, Micro Benz Glider, Threshold SA3, Thiels CA3 w/Mod. Sounded pretty good to me at the time, but in retrospect I wish I had my present set of Silverline Bolero's. I could really still enjoy this combo (ex Thiels) ... 
Sound bar for Dialogue
rdoc, The Zvox I referred to was not incorporated into my 2 channel audio system which I use exclusively for music. I only use the Zvox for TV (in different rooms) and it replaces the 'full range' (haha) speakers in the TV. Great for what it does ... 
Sound bar for Dialogue
I use ZVOX and it is so much better than the TV’s built in speakers. The ZVOX has multiple tone controls including those for bringing forward the ’speaking’ range’. They have multiple models and are inexpensive. 
Opinions needed-fatigue
’speakers are toed in about 15 degrees.’ A major problem, I think. Most speakers are hot on axis and that is close to where you are. If you can, just for the fun of it, point your speakers straight ahead and see what happens - a potential problem ... 
Opinions needed-fatigue
You don't mention 'toe in'. How much (if any)? Distance from side walls? IME 6' is a bit too close for near field listening. An 8ft equilateral triangle, or something close thereto, with the speakers further out into the room could be much better ... 
Sonus Faber vs Wilson
Don't forget that you're hearing those Wilsons in his room, not yours (nor with your stuff). Grass ain't always greener. Can you demo them in your house?  
Hum in Unico SE
Are you talking about a hum/buzz coming from the amp itself or a hum coming from the speakers. Makes a big difference. 
Mahler vs. Strauss
My view of Strauss' music is that it is more of a simplistic, romantic music, that you can easily hum along with, or in you head without, a recording. Much like Tchaikovsky, only more developed and interesting (to me). As such when you are listeni... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Not a 'go to' artist for me, but she sure is first class eye candy! And a good performer as well.  
Mahler vs. Strauss
Recorded in the same hall by the same orchestra? Same label? Or just in general. IME there is certainly a  lot more Mahler to choose from, ergo more great recordings. BTW, just sound wise, Schwarz and the Seattle SO has some excellent recordings o... 
How much reality do you really need?
I'll worry more about this when I can find a recording in which reality has been preserved. Haven't found one yet, but then that is probably because I've never owned a system which could reveal this recorded perfection anyway (maybe I already own ...