
Responses from newbee

Replacement for Peachtree DacIT ?
I've been using a  Peachtree DAC it with a Cal Audio as a back up set for some time. Little bit coarse sonically speaking but I did enjoy. Just replaced it with a Peachtree Sona dac. I use this unit in DAC only mode ignoring its pre-amp. It is muc... 
Acoustics, using placement as EQ
Sometimes shifting your listening position a bit will help with your 71hz node. Try moving your chair a foot +/- forward and or backward and see what happens.  
Thank you millercarbon
FWIW, the OP just listed a pair of IC's for 8K and a power cord for 2K. Better hurry before they are gone!  
Rel Does Not Recomment Isolation Stands
Lifting speakers off the floor, subs or floorstanders, will alter the frequency response as heard at the listening position. I think of this whenever I read a post where in someone praises the practice of placing things under speakers for isolatio... 
about tubes svetlana winged c help
An addendum to my previous post. I went into my stash of Svetlana EL34 and I found some which were made about 10 years after the ones I mentioned previously. They had the "Winged C" logo and in descending order the following:EL34Made InRussia0502 ... 
about tubes svetlana winged c help
The tubes in the photos are not even close to similar to the Svetlana tubes that I have which were purchased by me in the 90’s. Firstly, there is no "Winged C" on the tube I have. Instead it has a stylized "S". Under this "S" appears this descript... 
What percentage of the time do you listen to records vs. digital sources?
RV, For the reasons you mention re classical music I found I was rarely  listening to my LP collection. My CD based system (and CDs) had become quite adequate and I gave my vinyl system and LP's to my grandson in law who just loves them. They now ... 
Best replacements for KT99A tubes?
FWIW, I believe that there is little, if any, difference between the KT99 and the KT90. The former's designation as a KT99 was adopted by the tube manufacturer (relabeler?) and sold at a premium price. So I was told. I used the KT99 in some Sonic ... 
Analogue from Digital
I think that all you accomplish by going to vinyl from a digital recording is imposing all of the inherent noise problems associated with vinyl on top of the sound issues associated with digital recordings. A well recorded (and played back) CD can... 
Jolida Foz SS-X Tube buffer & soundstage expander?
Far too soon to do or even think about any of that stuff - unit is not fully broken in nor is my understanding of its sound and use. I'm just having fun tinkering with it. 
Jolida Foz SS-X Tube buffer & soundstage expander?
I just bought one of these for the fun involved in playing something different. I’ve always wondered about the effect of adding more out of phase sound to the front speakers. Now I know. In small doses it can definitely be additive.I have a fairly... 
You own a store, you sell 2 brands, which?
As a store owner what is my motivation? Make as much money as possible or cater to a small segment of anal audiophiles with great expectations and a small wallet? 
Fidelity vs. Musicality...........Is there a tug of War?
I want to change my response. 'Musicality' rests (or should I think) in a listener's reaction to a performance, not to his audio system. I offer two examples, Richters live Sofia performance of Mussorgsky's  'Pictures' and Zlata Chovhieva' perform... 
Fidelity vs. Musicality...........Is there a tug of War?
Which component to upgrade to improve bass control?
Pulling your speakers out from the back wall generally helps avoid a bass bump. I would think 3 feet would be ok, but could it be that your listening chair is located in a bass node? That happens a lot when folks place their chair up against a wal...