
Responses from newbee

Limited soundstage between speakers
In-phase signals will appear between your two speakers. Out of phase signals will appear outside the speakers. Speaker placement can cause 1st reflection points to create bounce off walls etc and this can/will create a sense of a wider sound stage... 
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
Bobbydd, re comments on ’stuff between speakers’, even though Jim Smith sez so it ain’t necessarily so. For example if you listen to your speakers toed in so that the axis crosses in front of your listening position there is a fair amount of signa... 
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
OP is right I think. It is hard and complex, but the end result is usually worth the effort. Many folks have yet to hear a properly set up system so they have no point of comparison. Flying blind so to speak. Took me years to get it drilled down a... 
Frequency Response
45hz could be adequate for most music if the frequency response is flat at 45 hz and started to roll off at that frequency. I doubt that it is but you must factor in the roll off when doing comparisons. Some speakers that say they go to 45 hz actu... 
Equalizer connection question
If your equalizer also has a tape loop make sure it is not engaged. That could be your problem. BTW I like putting equalizers in the tape loop - if nothing else it allow  you to disengage it without disconnecting it and is less likely to degrade t... 
any thoughts?
I owned the Cal for many years - nice unit but nothing special. I now have the Audio Lab 6000 - it is a better unit. BTW if the Delta fails you can't get a replacement laser for it.  
Law of Accelerated Returns
 Priorities must be set. For me the time I spent, not so much the money, was the downside in developing a high end audio experience. Assembling synergistic components in a sound friendly environment is a major commitment which takes many of us man... 
Perreaux of New Zealand Components
Perhaps the 2150B just suffered in  comparison to my Threshold SA3 and ARC 115 MKII. The Thiels I was driving were probably a factor as well. You've probably made a better match than I did.   
Perreaux of New Zealand Components
I owned the units you mentioned except for the SM 2. I had the SM3. I owned them for about 5 years. The tuner was/is a very good unit. Slightly warm in tone but with only moderate sensitivity. The tone control was useful when needed. The pre-amp w... 
In Classical music the effect of SQ on appreciation
One should attend at least one live performance of a Mahler Symphony. The last I attended was one of his 5th. I got to sit in the 'audiophile' section, Isle F (as I recall) and dead center. I was treating a couple of other concert goers who had no... 
Anybody here listen to Mahler?
I love all of Mahler - finding a favorite is like picking your favorite child! :-)  That said his most compelling FOR ME, not necessarily the easiest to digest, are his 6th, 9th, 7th, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 1st, and 5th. The last movements of the 2d just... 
In Classical music the effect of SQ on appreciation
Hard to go wrong with Brendel on Phillips. Either his recordings with Neville Marriner, a tad more relaxed than his later re-makes with Mackerras which have a more spot-lit piano, but for me both are enjoyable. BTW, if you are interested in the Go... 
2022 is almost here. Why are you here?
I retired and I have too much spare time.  Even at that I don't come too often for many of the reasons you expressed, but I do like to help folks when I can and share good things I've discovered.   
In Classical music the effect of SQ on appreciation
As in your example where I have multiple copies of the same musics SQ is rarely the major issue. I am usually attracted to simple things like tempos and dynamics that tend to define the performance. Think Kleiber's Beethoven's 5th, or Richter's 19... 
Replacement for Peachtree DacIT ?
I've been using a  Peachtree DAC it with a Cal Audio as a back up set for some time. Little bit coarse sonically speaking but I did enjoy. Just replaced it with a Peachtree Sona dac. I use this unit in DAC only mode ignoring its pre-amp. It is muc...