
Responses from newbee

unison simply four no sound
I've had similar experiences with other amps. Caused by a burned out resistor (in the bias circuit.) Something to check out if you're up to it.  
Tubes becoming hard to get?
Is the timing perfect for new SS (GAN) amps or what? :-)   
Tubes becoming hard to get?
And, when available, the costs have skyrocketed! What will happen when the Russian crisis is all over?   
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
A ’great system’ should not be additive, sound wise, to a recording. What it does do right is not become additive. A bright/harsh CD for instance, a very common thing, can sound better on a well executed system because with a poor system you are j... 
Does a graphic equalizer show where your amp is lacking?
Regarding the use of your Loki, in order to improve your high frequencies did you actually rotate your high frequency control or did it just sound better plugged into the circuit? If you did, how much? Your present interconnect and speaker wire c... 
Why do folks spend more on electronics than on speakers?
It's not about money so much as getting quality speakers that benefit from the quality of the electronics. I think it is easier to get quality speakers that can reveal the quality of the electronics than vise-a-versa. Picking speakers gives you th... 
CD transport warmup
If your unit is truly 'off' your situation would be normal, I think, IME anyway. But I've never used this unit. If it does not totally shut off, but goes into a standby mode, I don't know, you'd think that is what a standby mode is for. Personall... 
Dynaudio customer service ignoring me
A little history, FWIW. Many years ago Dynaudio was selling drivers to the general public. At the same time they were selling their own speakers. They discovered that a lot of speaker designers/makers were using their drivers, quite successfully a... 
Beethoven Complete Works boxed set recommendations
Too many excellent choices (for me at least - I've got/had a lot of them). In recent years  I found myself listening more often to Bernstein's set on DG than others available, and more recently the set issued set by Blomstedt on Accentus Music. F... 
Soltek Tubes
I think you meant SOVTEK. These were very nice new production tubes. They were discontinued several years ago and are pretty much unavailable now. (I still use them in a Primaluna amp.)  
Limited soundstage between speakers
rrm, Your room dimensions are close to identical to mine. Our set up is a bit different in that my speakers are 5 1/2’ from the back wall and I listen on axis about 9 ft back (about 4 1/2 ft from the wall behind the chair . I’ve minimized side wal... 
Reasons not to freak out about tube supplies
FWIW Victor Khomenco sez the problem has been solved and Russian tubes will be available. Posted on Audio Asylum on 3/16.  
Limited soundstage between speakers
I erred. First time this month! :-) Its a FOZ by Black Ice not Fusion  
Limited soundstage between speakers
rrm, I've been giving some thought to things that you might do to 'improve' your soundstage, but  nothing I've come up with can create the outside of your speakers soundstage which you initially indicated that you wanted to obtain. Others have dis... 
Limited soundstage between speakers
Mahgister, What a rude post! Who really knows what you hear in your room besides yourself and I fail to see anything in soix’s post that comments on you or your subjective beliefs. Some of what you have set forth in this thread and some others I’...