
Responses from newbee

Tubes getting hard to come by?
Why don't folks just place a wanted to buy ad. I'd be surprised if some folks didn't have some used or new tubes they would be happy to sell at a reasonable price. I know I do but I'm to lazy to post an ad to try to sell them.   
The past meets the future
Don't forget to clean the stylus and use an anti static devise to remove the static created from brushing the disc. Lets not get too casual about this. :-) FWIW, putting together/setting up a good analog system is a hobby within a hobby as is rec... 
The past meets the future
Ya gotta love the ritual attendant to playing vinyl. When you're done and drop the needle you then have to get up and change the record 3 times to listen to a  Mahler symphony. Talk about a distraction! Seriously I'd prefer a SOTA vinyl system so... 
What's a good amount of time to have my preamp unplugged before I swap out tubes?
Changing tubes can take place shortly after turn off, that isn't a problem. The problem can occur if you turn your on amp too soon after changing the tube. I learned this the hard way! I wait at least 5 minutes between shut down and turn on.  
Recommendation all-rounded speaker (small room)
Sounds like a good choice (on paper at least). Are you able to audition them in your home? Also, for best sound (imaging anyway) you'd probably enjoy them most set up in a 'near field' configuration.  
Why Do You Post?
For the same reasons I came to AG over 20 years ago (!). But, I think like you, I find that too many of the users come here for ego enhancement at the expense of other members. To many responses to user questions and problems are driven by what pr... 
Difusers on the speakers?
OP, FWIW I can't imagine what/why diffusors in front of the speakers would do anything dissimilar to putting a blanket over them (assuming I'm correctly visualizing what your thinking about).  Interesting thing about having wide baffles, it can i... 
Difusers on the speakers?
Folks have been surrounding their tweeters with thick felt for ages. This can lower off axis information and help quiet a bright sounding driver. No so much on other drivers. Good DYI project for a rainy day. Cheap and easily reversible if you fin... 
Tube noise when gain is increased, tube issue?
Finding low noise 6sl7's can be difficult and expensive but that may be the only solution to your problem. What is the sensitivity level of your speakers? If it is too high then perhaps its not so much the tubes as the interface between your amp a... 
Seller Listing Pet Peeve
OP, +1 What I like to see is all of the connections that are no longer apparent on the front panel because of digital screens (and some times unduplicated controls on the remote control), but most importantly on common components whether or not i... 
Tube noise when gain is increased, tube issue?
Russ69, FWIW I think OP was referring to using his attenuator to adjust gain. At least that is how I read it.  
Tube noise when gain is increased, tube issue?
Sounds like noisy tubes. Could be a noise floor issue depending on amp/speaker/ interface especially speakers with high sensitivity. I like the former if for no other reason than it is easier to solve.    
How do you judge audio components and speakers?
I agree, nothing better than a densely populated and very heavy component. I suspect a lot of other folks would agree as well. :-)   I also agree (because I'm so agreeable!) with artemus 5 - especially when it comes to tweaks - I find I often do... 
Upgrading from Primaluna
j-wall, FWIW, as you can tell from my previous post I pretty much agree with audphile but, FWIW when I had my speakers too close together relative to the listening position the mid-range was very muddy and did not really clear up until my set up w... 
Upgrading from Primaluna
Re speaker width try moving you speakers about one foot each toward the side walls and then cant (toe in) the speakers until the axis of your speakers cross in front of your listening position. Obviously it helps like hell if you can deaden the fi...