
Responses from newbee

Best full orchestra recordings?
Kr4, I agree. IMHO, Ashkenazy/Decca by a considerable margin. It comes with a very good Isle of the Dead as well.In fact, I prefer his Symphonies as well. They are just more taut than Previn's, and most others except Pletnev, which suits me fine. ... 
Best full orchestra recordings?
Name a composer, or a few composers, that you have really enjoyed and you'll get more meaningful recommendations. If you just want reference sound a general recommendation would be most anything from Reference Recordings. 
Ei Gold Elite Premium tubes& Music Reference Amp
Yep. In other amps, pre amps and DAC's. My favorite new production small tubes are EI's (6dj8's and 12AX7a's). Tele's on the cheap! The only caveat is QC - some can be microphonic - so only buy tubes tested for microphonics or be prepared to trash... 
Which SACD of Jazz at the Pawnshop sounds better?
Onhwy61, "good jazz has a real edge......". As I type I'm listening to an Ahmad Jamal album and I'm just comfortable as all get out! What does that mean for me and jazz? But I get your point. My next album will be Joe Henderson's Lush Life - I'm s... 
More speakers for sale than other componenet. Y?
I sort of agree with Photon46's comments, but would add that most folks can more easily hear the difference between speakers than they can between the electronic's. When seeking an improvement in their system thats the easiest item to address. Rea... 
HELP Turning off the Left Brain
Turning off the left brain is tough to do, especially for equipment and set up freaks. You're probably very normal. It sounds to me as if you're just bored with your music.The solution to the problem is to start taking music itself as the importan... 
Room Acoustics Problem????
I forgot to mention another possibility. If volume is a problem, you can alter the balance by moving the right speaker forward a few inches, or the left backward a few inches, 'til you get a tightly focused center image. Also, be sure to use a mon... 
Room Acoustics Problem????
Have you tried toeing in your speakers substantially - this can reduce the 1st reflections enormously. If the high frequencies become too hot try crossing the axis in front of your listening position. 
uneven depth of soundstage
Nke, FWIW, set up is everthing with Quads and its not simple. It might be more helpful if you were to post the dimensions of your room, the speaker and listen chair locations, and a discription of the walls and furniture on the side walls and the ... 
Dunlavy SC-IVa Set up help
You might like top do some research on speaker set up using some of the 'systems' as described on the various sites, such as Rives site whcih has a CARA program, the Cardas System, the Audio Physic's method and the Dunlavy System. Look at the AA f... 
best indoor antenna for FM reception?
Signal hiss is mainly due to a week signal. You need either a very sensitive tuner (if you don't already have one) and/or an outside antenna, or a amplifier such as is made by Magnum to get rid of the hiss.To reduce multipath you need a directiona... 
"will ship at buyer's risk and expense"
What I always read into this remark is that if the component arrives and does not work (as it should) but, there is no evident box damage on which to base a claim against the shipper, the seller is going to claim that it worked fine when he shippe... 
Powered antenae better than passive?
Not in my experience. If you are talking about indoor antennas, like a Terk for example, all you are doing is amplifying what is in the first place a poor signal. I've had better luck with a simple, unamplified, whip, or a wire (T shaped & pla... 
Full range bass powerful speakers $5000 Help
I'm a bit puzzled by your comments on the bass. If you meant full range, i.e. into the 20's, and by weighty you do not me overemphasized or fat, The Tyler Signature System fits your price range and your comments about the mids and highs. It is a v... 
Jazz Gems
Yep, I really enjoy Scott Hamilton - I just picked up Back to NY, nice laid back jazz with a little influence of swing. I would add to your list, Charlie Haden's Land of the Sun for some more laid back jazz based on Mexican romantic music. And in ...