
Responses from newbee

Do you think you need a subwoofer?
The reasons for a sub with monitors is obvious. More and better bass, when they are integrated properly. For "full range speakers" which only start to roll off at 32hz or below, unless you want to hear airplances taking off in home theater applica... 
why felt?
Just for the fun of it, I'm curious....How many of you change the VTA/VTF when you listen to different mats of varying thickness? I suspect some of the differences you hear may be more assignable to the changes in the VTA than the differences wrou... 
Your Opinion
Sputniks, You use the terms we and us. You really should only worry about yourself and how you feel about what you are doing and how it makes you feel. FWIW I agree with 4yanx's comments and Aceto's last sentence. 
Why are big speakers in small rooms bad?
Many large speakers need distance between the listener and the speakers for the speakers to properly integrate. When you set them up properly, usually well away from the back walls there isn't enuf room left to put the listening position in the ri... 
Review: Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Signature Monitors Monitor
60 watts should be just fine in that size room. Do try the 8 ohm taps though. I find my Tylers, even though they are 4ohm speakers, sound better with my tube amps off the 8ohm taps. Much smoother highs(less distortion perhaps?). YMMV. 
New Rachmaninov All-Night Vigil Vespers
Drubin, I have not. I have several others but not that one. For me the big difference between the more traditional version (that I have) and this last one, is 'scale'. These are not huge forces at work. Have you by chance heard the St Petersburg C... 
New Rachmaninov All-Night Vigil Vespers
Aceto, Sharp eyes! I've said it before, I can't edit worth a crap! As to my reticence to post, its guys like you!!!!!(Not!) My dictionary shows under A, "a capella". So my sin is, apparently, the omission of "an" not a seperation of the 'a' from c... 
Folks with large collections.....
Aggielaw, I have some of the RCA CD remasters - If I didn't have the LP's I might have thought they were OK, just sort of bleached out perhaps. But in comparison, well there is no comparison! I was thinking more about a lot of new issues in the la... 
Need Help With a Bright System
You might want to read a thread that just concluded a couple of days ago "Why am I experienceing listeners fatigue". There is much info therein which may be helpful. After reading thru it, follow-up with some detail about your room size and furnis... 
Why are audiophiles perceived as being wackos?
Yeh, We argue endlessly about minutia that most ordinary folks can't envision, let alone hear. And, we do it with a sense of certainty and authority that boggles the mind. Talk about hearing flea farts in an auditorium! But its fun so long as its ... 
Folks with large collections.....
Nrchy - Re "What the heck does that mean". I'd guess that reflects your response to my attempt at a humerous barb about your attraction to solid state stuff. You might be suggesting that I lack class or manners because of the nature of my posts in... 
Surface Plate as Stand Opinions
FWIW, I would never use stone, glass (melted stone), or metal under a TT. It rings. I would choose wood which can absorb vibrations as well as allow some transmission to another absorbing materiel underneath the wood. Sure looks pretty though. 
Listening habits
Nrchy, I always thought you didn't know where the swith was....otherwise you wouldn't have all that SS stuff. :-)I have one system or another going about 8 hours a day. Serious listening - I usually devote a couple of hours in the evening. 
Test CD for positioning speakers and subwoofer
A Sterephile test CD and a Radio Shack meter for the bass works well, a Cardas Disc for set up (includes a "walk about" which I find helpful), and I use an Opus 3's "Depth of Image" to fine tune, as well as other ordinary disc's with which I'm ver... 
Most "Ruthlessly Revealing" Speakers. Your opinion
"Ruthlessly revealing" is IMHO an oxymoron. Revealing is great - you can't get better than a speaker which can reveal all that the electonics have to offer. But, when the upper mids and highs are boosted to artifically give the appearance of more ...