
Responses from newbee

Jungson or DK Design: good with Quad 989's?
Atkinsonrr, FWIW, preceeding your post there have been a succession of posts by folks who had never posted on Audiogon who yearned to tell the folks here about how great an amp the DK is. Just nice generous folks who looked up the site and volunte... 
Jungson or DK Design: good with Quad 989's?
Onhwy61, I agree with you if you are using the term dynamics to mean "resolution". When I speak of a lack of dynamics with the Quads, what I'm referring to is a sense of compression, not its ability to differentiate between the gradiations between... 
Jungson or DK Design: good with Quad 989's?
IMHO, if you really want more dynamics than you can get out of a D400 you need to get new speakers, not new electronics. Lack of dynamics is inherrent in the design of the quads.Now, if you really value midrange presense and body, as you say you d... 
Speaker distance and tow in?????/
Rives, Nice article. I've a question regarding the positioning of speakers near a side wall as it relates to 1st reflections, soundstaging, and sweetspot. Its based on something I have done "successfully" on quite a few occasions when I was using ... 
Is there a best cartridge track force gauge?
While I agree that VTF and VTA are interrelated, as a pratical matter this need not be anything to consider on a day to day basis, if during initial set up you pick the mid range of the cartridge manufacturers recommendations for VTF and then set ... 
2ohms, 4ohms, 8ohms, which to hookup too?
If I understand your question correctly you are only connecting one pair of speakers. If so, either the 4 or 8 ohm outs could sound best depending on the actual impedence curve of the speakers. In my experience, with effecient speakers where the a... 
Help with AC noise please
Dougm, Sounds like taking the buffer out didn't make a difference. I can't tell from your post if you have done this yet, but if not....Disconnect everything in your system (cables and IC's) except your amp and speakers and see if you have the "so... 
Is there a best cartridge track force gauge?
Within the general recommendations of the manufacturer, I use my ears. My preferred settings are usually on the upper part of the recommended range. Maybe its just inadequate hearing on my part, but I've never felt the need to have an expensive VT... 
Best way to hear sonic signature of a cable?
My method is very simple. I put in the new IC or cable and leave it in for a week or so, making no other changes to the system. Then I take the cable out and put in the old cable. If there is a difference, this is the time you should hear it. Ofte... 
Help with AC noise please
Sounds like you are hearing a noisy tube, or the noise floor of your tube buffer. I'll bet if you take it out of the circuit the noise will go away. 
Thick 2" maple amp platform--couple or isolate?
I can understand how the amount and type of varnish used on a violin might change its tone a tad, I assume by altering is resonant frequency. I can't begin to understand how the type of finish on a two inch thich slab of hard wood is going to crea... 
What are the characteristics quality recordings?
For myself the answer is simple. The performance and the quality of the music's reproduction, combined with my appreciation of the music, causes me to ignore completely what my system is doing and I become totally emersed in the music. I really ca... 
Where is Your Turntable?
My TT is located adjacent to my listening position on the long wall with other source equipment, my preamp and some LP's. Amps are between the speakers on the short wall. Other LP's are shelved with CD's on the wall opposite the electronic's. TT s... 
Tubes and microphonics
As a pratical matter, by ear. Microphonics will be revealed by tapping VERY lightly on glass tube with a pencil, but this may actually have no real world meaning if you hear something, but it will mean that they are not particularily microphonic i... 
novice needs help with cables
Elizabeth's comments are IMHO, almost on point. The only thing I would suggest is that cheapo (construction wise, not dollar wise) and esoteric frequency bending cables should not be part of an evolving system. I would have in my system at your po...