
Responses from meiwan

How to improve on the 2 ch in my 5.1 set up?
Your anthem processor is no slouch. I'd be inclined to go the source route alone. Whether you get a modern dac and a transport, or something like the Cary (which is a very nice piece) is up to you. Personally, I'd be inclined to go the Cary route ... 
As 3D & immediate as 8TC but with more bass
The obvious consideration would be Kimber's 12tc. If you like the Kimber sound, 12tc wil be weightier. Alternatively, you might consider bi-wiring with 8tc on the bottom and 4tc on the top. That seems to be a very popular solution. 
Probably a dumb DAC question
Depends on the pre, dac and tubes used - and of course your tastes. I'm using a tube dac and tube pre with outstanding results. 
Golden Reference VS Golden Cross
The golden ref and the cross have a similar sonic signature, the ref is just all around better.You might also consider the Neutral Ref. It's a little more, well neutral, without any brightness or harshness.I use neutral ref. 
How to improve on the 2 ch in my 5.1 set up?
I think the problem is with your source. You should be looking at a much, much better CD player - up in the $2-3k range at least. 
Warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent
Second the Cardas suggestion. Cross or Golden Cross depending on budget. 
Sim Audio question...
Not that I'm aware of. I used cups similar to those you can use for speaker feet. 
Please help with choosing best combo for my CM-5's
I suspect the Classe with clearly outperform any of the Rotel choices. The Rotels will not likely be a huge step up from the hk, maybe just different.Not sure why you are looking for so much power. You might also want to consider a more recent Cre... 
Speaker with most dynamic PUNCH?
I guess highly efficient, large drivers will have the potential to 'punch' more so, since they can move more air with less power.What that translates to in terms of the quality of the punch is another matter.Not sure you will get a lot of punch wi... 
Asynch USB or super clock thru S/PDIF for $3.5k?
I initially went the USB route with Async dac and was satisfied - until I tried toslink with a decent cable - will never go back. Using an iMac so s/pdif is not an option unless I go usb to converter to s/pdif. Not convinced of the benefits over g... 
1K dac
EE minimax if you can find one. Nothing comes close... 
Should the best systems sound almost identical?
I suspect no one, not even audio designers have any idea how individual recordings are mixed and sound. Even 'live' room acoustics will vary depending on the venue and your seating position in that venue.So there isn't a definable target by which ... 
Extremely High-End "Pre-Pro" Surround Pre-Amp
The only 'high end' pre/pro that comes to mind would be from Linn. Not tubes, but if you like Linn stuff worth considering.Most people don't bother integrating - given your stuff, I'd be inclined to go the receiver route, although you might want t... 
Need inexpensive hybrid int amp
I'm using a Pathos Classic III. Absolutely wonderful amp. Used under $2k usually. 
How to merge my 2 Channel and HT Systems?
The only way to merge that seems to work at all is to use an integrated amp with HT bypass. Otherwise the 2 channel is severely compromised.