
Responses from meiwan

Do you buy new equipment because you are bored
Clearly it's a mental issue. Change for the sake of change. A slippery slope to be sure.Sometimes feel the same way, but generally regret it later when I act on it. Just enjoy the music. 
looking for advice on budget subwoofer
You need to more specific about what you feel needs improving. I assume you want more bass. For $300 you are not likely to get any sort of sub that will enhance 2 channel. You may look to better speaker and/or interconnect and or power cables - th... 
EH vs gold lion kt88
I was using EH 6922's in my pre-amp. Switched to GL 6922 and it made a substantial improvement. Don't know how that translates for KT88's, but for what it's worth... 
Internet Radio Questions.....
I'm accessing internet radio through i-tunes - then the usual DAC to integrated amp. Station quality varies but many are very good quality and there is certainly lots of choice. And no need for a separate internet radio unit. 
ARC DSI200 or Bryston 4bsst2 & ARC SP16L
Isn't the DSi200 a class D amp? Not sure you are going to get much warmth with that. An ARC tube pre would work very well with the Bryston amp. 
Power cord with warm treble + very solid bass ?
I'm a huge Cardas fan - lots of detail but never harsh, warm through the middle and a solid bottom end.I'm using the Golden Golden Reference on my pre. 
Best amp for focal 918 under 3000.00??
You might want to rethink your question. I doubt anyone would suggest adding a power amp, especially a tube one to a Marantz receiver. The pre-amp in the Marantz is OK, but cannot justify any kind of upgrade that you are thinking of. The Focals ar... 
Glass v.s. Plastic Toslink
I use a Silflex glass toslink cable from Lifatec on my iMac to DAC. Highly recommended. A huge step up from the $25 plastic optical cable I had before. Well worth the few dollars extra. 
Bryston integrated or separates
Personally I'd go for the integrated - much more convenient and better value. Unless you plan to tinker in the future, like upgrading the pre or power separately.An alternative which I think would work better would be the 2bsst (very nice) with a ... 
What do I need?
Your macbook should have a dual audio/toslink output. You need a mini jack toslink to toslink cable. Silflex glass works great for about $70. Confirm, but all Macs have this output.Alternatively, you will have to buy a USB to RCA/P/Dif converter. ... 
Need input on building a new HT/music system
You might want to re-think the Arcam. They have a very poor reliability history.As for speakers, you really have to listen for yourself. While all your choices are competent products, they will differ in tonal balance etc., so you need to pick one... 
NAD T 747 vs. Marantz SR6005
I expect they will sound similar. I've owned the T747 and heard the SR6005. Both good choices. I'd give the edge to the T747 personally. 
Nad 748 receiver as a prepro ?
The 175 hd will be a much better sounding unit than the 748 (which replaces the 747). I had the 747 and upgraded to the 765hd2 receiver. Quite a substantial gain in performance. Assuming you have a good power amp already. 
Speaker help - short list needed
Aerial 6 would be my first choice, other favourites of mine are Linn Ninkas and Spendor A5/ S5e. Each meet your criteria and are fairy easy to place as none are rear ported. 
Probably a dumb DAC question
I'm using the Eastern Electric Minimax Dac (Mullard tube and upgraded opamps). Probably the most organic, engaging piece of equipment I've EVER heard - with Cardas neutral reference to my pre, Silflex glass toslink to my iMac.