
Responses from meiwan

Upgrade path the same for cables ?
I've found as you spend more on cables, you definitely get more. Certainly not a linear relationship, but neither is it the case with components.Like components, you get more detail, better sound staging, more air etc.Of course system matching is ... 
Piano Notes On Harbeth SHL 5
Depends on the speaker cables used, among other things. My Harbeth's sound very natural on piano. 
Integrated Amplifiers with neutral sound
Pathos (Classic or Logos) have a much more involving sound than Sim or Bryston. 
Your favourite Internet Radio Station in 2011?
Radio Paradise. Hooked on it. 
DacMagic - Now What
The Eastern Electric Minimax plus would be my first choice (I have one). 2nd choice the Niko dac. Both within your budget, and both several notches up. 
Actually difference between class A and AB?
The difference if fairly simple. Class A amps run at full power all the time. Class B amps run 'on demand'.Class AB amps usually run in class A at lowest power, then switch to class B at higher power. Whether one is better than the other is hard t... 
About synergy?
The definition of synergy is that the sum is greater than the individual parts. The sum is undefined, making synergy something of an irrelevant term in audio.That being the case, and more relevant, is each person tries to build a system that is pl... 
Totem and Bel Canto?
I've owned the NAD T747, and while it is a very nice unit for the price, I think the Bel Canto would outperform it handily. Adding a NAD power amp would do pretty much nothing to improve the sound, as the Rainmakers are relatively easy to drive.Su... 
The prologue series is not very impressive, but the dialogue series is much better. You may have power issues driving the SF's though. These tube amps are not particularly powerful. 
Advice on switching to separates
I'm a big integrated fan. I'm running Harbeth C7's with one. For $1500 absolutely stick with an integrated. If you want to upgrade, although the 2010s is nice (I had the 3010s2), there are several choices used that will move things up a notch or t... 
Variations in how your system sounds?
You might consider that your hearing changes day to day, and throughout the day. It is likely not your equipment at all, but you. Humidity levels, exposure to other noise, barometric pressure all affect your hearing.Dirty power could also be the c... 
dac advice
I own the EE minimax and highly recommend it. 
Wondering how more musical is LFD Vs Rega?
LFD would be a huge step up from Rega. Also look at the Pathos Classic One MkIII. Either will have your toes tapping for years. 
Vote for your favorite amp/speaker combination
I have not heard any of the combinations together, but am familiar with many of the options listed.1)Don't like the top end in the Zu, the Leben is very nice2)A nice smooth sounding combination3)DK4)A nice lively detailed combo5)AR amp overpriced ... 
Smallish floorstander that sounds good placed just
If you can find a pair of Spendor S5e's, that would be a good option.