
Responses from meiwan

Requesting help...fairly new to computer audio
You might try downloading a free trial copy of Puremusic. It runs over iTunes and improves things a lot. If you decide to buy it, it's only $130. I use it with my iMac and am very happy with it.You could definitely improve on the Arcam. The W4S is... 
7.1 ch., or bi amp either l/r fronts or center?
The Aerials would really benefit from bi-amping. I'd definitely go that route. 
Starting Over
I'd stick with an integrated amp at your budget. A used Creek Destiny, Exposure 3010s2, Pathos Classic One mkIII are but a few good choices.I own the EE minimax and highly recommend it. 
How Is Bass Divided Among Speakers If No Sub?
Obviously, only the channel(s) getting the bass will produce it if all speakers are set to large. Although bass is generally non-directional, so regardless of which speaker it comes from it will likely sound as if it's coming from everywhere.The d... 
How Is Bass Divided Among Speakers If No Sub?
Yes, your processor controls bass distribution. If you have all your speakers set to large, all get full range sound. If you have any of the centre or rears set to small, their low frequencies are sent to the mains. If you do not have bass process... 
Monitor suggestions
Kudos C1, Proac Response D1 or D2, Aerial 5b. Not sure any come in white though. 
Help me w/ small towers-bedroom HT/music system
A few good choices - Spendor s5e, Totem Staff or Arro, Linn Ninka. Lots more I'm sure. 
Speaker Selection with "difficult" room
A few thoughts....You might want to go with a speaker with a soft dome tweeter (ie., a slightly rolled off top end). It will be tough for you to control the high frequencies in that room, so anything 'brightish' will be hard on the ears.You defini... 
which amps go well with Spendors
Creek brings them to life. The Destiny in particular. 
Is HDMI worth It in term of sound quality?
Keep what you've got. HDMI is a convenience only. Going from what you have to the Pioneer will be a huge step down. 
How hot is pure Class A solid state vs. SET?
I'm running a 30 watt class A all tube integrated amp. It gets hot to the touch, but won't keep me warm in the winter. 
Low powered & warm sounding class D amps ?
Linn amps use a form of class D. And they are designed for 4 ohm speakers. The majik series at 50wpc is about as low as it gets. 
Bi-amping for HT
Yes you can do it, but I'm not sure why you would consider it. You will still be using the pre-amp section of the ht receiver - no power amp is going to fix that.Also have no idea what this has to do with bi-amping? 
Upgrading Fuses
Just upgraded the fuse in my integrated amp. Didn't change the world, but did make a positive difference. Well worth the $40 spent. 
If you had 6K to build a system with used gear?
Aerial 5 speakersPathos Classic One MkIII integratedEastern Electric Minimax DAC moddedImac source.Good cables all around