
Responses from meiwan

Best Tube/SS Amps for Harbeth 7ES-3
I'm using an Audiomat Opera. 30wpc class A el34 based tube integrated. Simply magic with the C7's.I also 'tested' the Harbeths with the little LFD mkIV integrated. Also a very nice match.These speakers are relatively amp friendly, but different/an... 
Best Stand for Harbeth 7ES-3 Compact
Skylan seems to be preferred for Harbeth's. I ended up getting a pair and am very happy with them. They are custom made to 20" for the 7ES-3, but I had them cut to 18 inches for me. I think Harbeth recommends 15-21 inches depending on your seating... 
Best speakers in the 3000 -5000 range
If you don't have the space or power for maggies (which I agree are nice) you might want to consider Harbeth C7's or HL5's. Just depends on your personal tastes and situation.I'm a big Harbeth fan. 
Looking at simple set-up for iMac to preamp
If your cd player has a digital in (optical), you can just run a toslink cable from the headphone out on your iMac to the cd optical in. This uses the dac in your cd player.If not, you can get great sound running toslink to any outboard dac, then ... 
Rega DAC vs. EE Minimax vs. Centrance vs. W4S 2
I certainly don't want to get into a huge debate over cables, and I have no experience with Pangea (although I'm a aware it's relatively inexpensive). While it might seem insane, I was using Cardas Neutral Ref interconnects on the dac to amp, and ... 
Rega DAC vs. EE Minimax vs. Centrance vs. W4S 2
I previously owned the EE and can concur it was 'full' sounding, although very engaging, with lots of detail.DAC's I've found are very cable sensitive (power and interconnects). 
Best VALUE Linn amp for 5103 PreAmp
The 5125 is a terrific amp - 5 channel, so good for bi-amping. Generally under $1k. 
Sometimes my system sounds great, sometimes awful
Yes, your hearing varies considerably throughout the day, and day to day. Humidity, temperature, barometric pressure, all contribute to hearing differences.Happens to all of us. 
Top 10 Snafus to avoid when building a good rig
Judging deficiencies in your system before new components/cables are fully broken in. 
Tube AMP or SS
I agree you should think about getting a good integrated amp with HT bypass and use the yammy for HT only. Adding a power amp isn't going to help the less than stellar pre-amp section of the HT receiver. Clarity and soundstage is more likely to co... 
Does your system take you there or...?
I've been struggling with this issue but was unable to conceptualize it. Well done and thanks.To me, the more I improve my system the less it feels like the musicians are sitting in front of me, and the more I'm transported to the recording venue.... 
DAC upgrade
I guess if your analogue front end sounds better than the DAC, then the rest of your stuff is worthy of a dac upgrade. A few suggestions - $1100 the new Eastern Electric Minimax Plus, $1500 Calyx USB dac.Both are excellent and not the least bit 'd... 
Former MHDT Havana Lovers: What did you move onto?
Eugene81 - the Calyx is really something special at it's price point. It's not widely know in NA, but is getting killer reviews in Europe and Australia. I was also leaning to the Tranquility DAC, but opted for this instead. I had the Moon 300d at ... 
Former MHDT Havana Lovers: What did you move onto?
If organic is your thing (like me), I recently went from the EE minimax (ultra organic) to the new Calyx DAC. Comes in slightly under your budget and has all that wonderful (tube like) warmth with tons of detail and air. I'm using it with Harbeth ... 
Spendor and Tubes
I'm using Harbeth C7's, 6ohm (obviously similar) with 30wpc class A tubes. Absolutely stunning sound. The guy I bought the amp from was using it to drive the big Harbeth 40's.No rules in this game.