
Responses from meiwan

ERA D-14 0r D-10
I own a pair of D4's. I've listened to the D5 and D10. In my view, they try really hard to put out a hefty bottom end from a small box. They are also quite inefficient.All use the same basic drivers. So the choice of one over the other depends on ... 
Any Mac Pure Music DX-5 or QB-9 users out there?
Pure Music over-rides i-tunes, which does not handle flac files. Open pure music, under the 'pure music' tab at the top click and see ADD FLAC/ on and follow the instruction. Once you've got the file working in i-tunes, you can cov... 
I-Dac or Moon audio 100D
I have a Moon 100d and it is very clean sounding. Definitely would recommend it. 
amp for totem mani2
Mani 2's can sound great with the right amp and the right space. Unfortunately, they need to be well away from walls and they need lots of power to drive them. I think you are looking at 150 wpc to get them to open up properly. The Target 4 post s... 
Pairing HT receiver with Samsung un55d8000 LED TV
NAD stuff is the easiest to use (does not all the extra crap) and sounds very musical. Depending on budget the T747 or T765 HD2. 
Best surround speakers for music?
This may seem odd, but I use ERA D4's for surround. They come with a mounting bracket, take up very little space and can handle a lot of power. Probably not the most revealing speaker out there, but for surround I think they are great. FYI, Linn K... 
sibilence....any cures out there?
Sibilance is usually evident in an ultra detailed tweeter. Cause is a usually a bright source. Many recordings (vinyl or CD) are not the best, which can excite the tweeter. Cables can tone things down a bit, but if it's really a problem you might ... 
Help me build a fine PC sound system
For good sound, you pretty much have to go with an outboard DAC to integrated amp to speakers (or powered speakers). For an all in one solution look at the Peachtree audio stuff. If your budget does not permit, something like the Grant Fidelity tu... 
Piece of Audio gear you regret selling
Jeff Rowland Concentra one, a few years ago. 
Best place to put a single subwoofer?
My understanding is that the sub has to be set slightly behind the main speakers. I place mine beside the right speaker 6 inches or so back. Integrates very well. Centred between the 2 would be even better.If you are having issues, it's likely the... 
Still Looking for Amplifier Power cord
DH labs power plus is a nice smooth cable - and quite cheap. I use a few of them. Parts connection sell them, along with Connex terminated versions for half the price. 
Opinions on a good HT/Music AVR
Joe, the only AVR's that sound good for both music and movies that I know of would be NAD. The T765 or &775 would fit the bill. 
need to find subs with lots of slam for HT
The trouble with cheaper subs is that they either use a small driver (for tightness), or large driver (for depth), but don't give you both. I don't think adding subs fixes the problem.I also have a small room (13x15) and use a Velodyne Optimum 8. ... 
best sounding integrated for under 2500.00
The Exposure 3010s2 would fit your needs. 
Best subwoofer under $1,500 for Magnepan 3.6R
I'm using a Velodyne Optimum 8 with Aerial 5's. Integrates very well. Nice tight and fast.