

Responses from jfrech

Well recorded records ... what are your picks?
Neil Young Live at Masey Hall and Keith Jarret Yesterdays are 2 good ones 
Matching Amp to Wilson Sophia 2
All the idea's above are pretty good. I haven't owned Sophia's. But I have owned wp 6's, 8's, Maxx 2's and now own Maxx 3's.BAT VK 60, VK60SE, VK75SE and VK150SE are a great choice and definately match your criteria. 
New ECM Vinyl
yes he is 
Top line phono stages with at least 2 inputs
Nagra VPS with VFS platform is another to add to your list. Right under 8k new. 
Anyone use a DVD player as a front end?
You have a very nice system, congrats. I hope you're not saying the dvd was superior to what you have !It maybe the source material. Were you familiar with the recordings? 
New ECM Vinyl
I have the new Kieth Jarret Yesterdays. Incredible recording...seriously. Slightly better than my older ECMs. My Enrico Rava is on back order...My dealer says they'll have more titles soon... 
Are Wilson Sophia 2's lean in the midbass?
I think you have them way to far out in the room. It's a placement issue you have not a speaker issue. My wilsons are only 22" from the back wall. All rooms are different. Did you follow the wilson audio setup procedure? If not, you have much more... 
Vinyl noise?
I am womdering if your walker vortex is just missing a spot. Are these lpsCleaned with that wand ??? 
6H30 tubes ringing in BAT VK-300SE
Walkertm: My 51SE behaves like your BAT pre. I think this is a "undocumented feature" of either the preamp or just the tube, doesn't effect sound qaulity, and I've never worried about it in the 10 yrs I've owned my 50SE now 51SE...My guess is the ... 
Audio reserch reference 3....driving Nagra VPA amp
Hi, you might check with user elberoth2. I think he had VPA's at one point and now has a ARC ref 3/110.I could be wrong here...I have heard the VPA's many times at my dealer. The are great amps. What speakers will they mate with? 
Sme arm "Bridge Removal"
James, I've heard about this to. I have been way to chicken to try it. Even loosening the screws make's me a little queesy... 
Titan, Transfiguration Orpheus or Air Tight PC1??
Hartmut, thanks for the post above, and maybe I am getting a little to far off topic from sunnyboy's (sorry) original post. One more question, did you get to compare the 2 Spiral Groove tables? From your pics, looks like they were side by side, cu... 
Titan, Transfiguration Orpheus or Air Tight PC1??
Hifidaddy,thanks for your comments. I've always wondered about the Titan i vs skala difference.Did you get a chance to compare the spiral groove to other tables? keep hearing great things about that table also! 
Titan, Transfiguration Orpheus or Air Tight PC1??
Hi Raul,My comment on the PC1 is only related to matching with his phono stage. I have heard the PC1 sound alsolutely killer, but in friends system. (He was coming from a Koetsu Jade Platinum). I'd hardly call the PC 1 dry and analytical compared ... 
Musical Power cable
Hi, since you live in Dallas, I'd contact Albert Porter (porterhouse audio moniker on audiogon) and see if you can "borrow" a Purist 20th Anniversary.With your equipment and speakers, and criteria above, I suspect the Purist Audio Designs cables m...