

Responses from jfrech

Titan, Transfiguration Orpheus or Air Tight PC1??
Sunnyboy1956:Are you able to use the tube only gain in your Nagra VPS with your Skala? or in your system, do you need the extra gain the Nagra can offer with the solid state section?Reason being, is the tube only sound is a little sweeter/more lif... 
Turntable power supply- mains cable?
Hi, oh my yes.Over the years I've used a Transparent powerlink xl, Kimber Paladian PK 10, Omega Micro Ribbon, and now a Purist Dominus Ferrox.Honestly, the same types of improvments I hear with these same power cords on something like a preamp is ... 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44 ?
Great Thread. Benson 139, I pretty much have the same question as you. I have a SME 20/2 table and have long thought a different tonearm will yield a little more for me (maybe more than a cartridge upgrade).Both the Graham Phantom II and Triplanar... 
Improving your BAT 150SE
Hi Dave has emailed me several times. I've openend up my 150se's and stared at that wiring. I did get a little nauseous seeing my mega buck Purist cables dumbed down for the last foot...then the automotive style connectors between the circuit boar... 
Wilson Alexandria V2
Hi Jon_p.If you really have a large room and listen loudly, maybe try a top slight SS amp with a lot of headroom-just another option.(better yet, get the x2's and a great SS amp :)Out of curiousity, what's the rest of your system? 
Wilson Alexandria V2
Hi, I'm with (the above) John. I fully agree with all his statements. I've owned WP 6's running 60w/channel (bat vk60) tube amp. Then WP8's running a 75w/ch (bat vk75se), then WP 8's with BAT 150se's, Maxx 2's and Maxx 3's. For fun, I took one amp... 
Raven Black Night
I honestly am glad he posted it. I love learning about new stuff that I might be interested in. I am considering selling my SME 20/2 and this might be a great option for me...Isn't that the purpose of a "forum"? 
Raven Black Night
I wonder what it sounds like? Surely it's belt drive? 
Where can I get my Tri-Planar burn in cable cooker
Here is a easy way, less than $150. And you'll like the improvement.-Buy a purist audio designs burn in cd. -Get a RCA or XLR cable (cheapie) plug one end into your CD player. The other end of the cable cut off, go to radio shack and solder on som... 
SME 30 / 12 pre-release details.
Funny, you're a dealer. And you have something negative to say about something you likely don't sell ??The SME tables are arms are consistently rated tops. The new 30/12 and V-12 maybe in the top 5 tables available (of course that's for the debate... 
video component cable length
Ditto here. I have a 50ft run of Transparent Hi performance component video cable from my cable box to my projector. Hi Def looks damn good. 
SME 30 / 12 pre-release details.
Sumiko just put up the 30/12, V-12 info plus a Hi Fi news review...http://www.sumikoaudio.net/sme/reviews/model3012/SMEHFN309.pdf 
So I went to a grey screen for Projector....
Hi, I am looking forward to hearing about your results. I've stuck with white so far (Studio tec 130 I think) from Stewart...Good luck! 
Room size suitable for which Wilsons?
Hi, not sure I said they won't be a problem, more they will work but placement is critical (preferably by a wilson dealer). Also the Stereophile review with Michael Fremmer has the Maxx 2's in a small room for another opinion... 
Purist Dominus Ferox
I went from Venustas to Dominus Ferrox. The Venustas is a great cable and it easily replaced my previous interconnects that we're more than double the price.Dominus Ferrox throws a larger, wider, deeper stage, more quiet/blackness yielding better ...