

Responses from jfrech

How many phono stages have you lived with?
Hi Pedrillo:I've had plenty over the years. Started off 25 yrs ago with the built in phono in my Audio Researh SP 6b...More recently (past 8 yrs or so) I had a BAT VKP5 which I soon traded for a VK P10, then upgraded it (at BAT) to a P10SE then a ... 
Turntable advice?
Well getting the motor into the spot with the turntable is kinds important...That said, your source, especially in vinyl, is critical. You really can't spend to much, but need to make your source has the right balance between $$'s on the table, ar... 
LAST record preservative
I've had a bottle of Last I haven't used in years. Just listened and applied it to a record. I like it and agree with Marty t. It's returning to my cleaning regimen. (and I'll have to buy a new bottle soon)For cleaning I use a VPI 16.5, Premeir Fi... 
Suggestions for speaker stand platforms?
Are these for you Hales? I used to own a pair. Great speakers. Didn't Hales include spikes? from your pics I can't tell if you're using them...I am not sure of your budget, but I'd consider Symposium shelves...and sometype of cone. 
The Beatles albums finally all remastered
EMI has started releasing vinyl again. I am PRAYING that they release this set. I may have to buy it on CD anyway !Stltrains: try the new EMI vinyl, I have the Keith Jarret Yesterdays, super recording! 
The best tonearm for Lyra Helikon SL ?
I think you're best choices here are the SME IV.Vi or V, a Graham Phantom...then maybe a Tri Planar.Do a search on these arms...you find a few thread discussing Lyra and SME/Graham as the best choices.I am running a Lyra Skala with a Tri Planar VI... 
Turntable in 20 K$ price range - Design & Music
Hi Tim,I just bought a Grand Prix Monaco. Traded in my beloved SME 20/2 and IV.Vi. I think the Grand Prix is more a set and forget type of system. If you're into expiramenting with multiple arms it's just not the TT 4 u. Apparently Alvin thought a... 
I am considering several used sme 20 turntables.
Hi, I have to agree with both posters above. You won't go wrong with any version of this table.I have owned the most recent power supply as well as the previous one (twist knob). (20/2 IV.Vi arm)The newest power supply is a little more transparent... 
Wilson Maxx3 vs Avalon Isis
Hi, Kurt_tank:I have owned maxx 2's and now maxx 3's. They are pretty different speakers with the maxx 3 having more beauty, more resolution, more coherance, wider deeper stage and (much) more transparency.Janeb: certainly everyone is entitled to ... 
JVC RS 10/20 vs RS 1/2 Projectors
Hi, I got to see the Pioneer side by side with the JVC (not the recent current JVC, the models that share the same chassis as the Pioneer)The Pioneer had a little richer color, lil deeper blacks and better detail in the dark scenes/black areas.It ... 
JVC RS 10/20 vs RS 1/2 Projectors
Hi, I wish I could directly answer your question. I faced the same question about 6 months ago. I bought a Pioneer Elite Pro-FPJ1 (based on the JVC)It's incredible. I forgot about the question you're asking now :) !! and just enjoy my movies!Hope ... 
balanced vs unbalanced output
The primary benefit of balanced connections is reduced noise. Correct balance cancels any noise riding along with the signal.Sometimes, depending on the circuit, you may also get higher gain.Sound quality with this lower noise floor you get better... 
Elrod esp2 for Turntable power supply
Hi James, I used a Omega Micro ribbon cable for years on my SME 20/2 power supply. Now I am using a Purist Dominus Ferrox.I hear the same types of changes on the motor controller I hear with the power cord on say the pre amp. I know it's strange, ... 
ss amp synergy w/wilsons
Sonofjim,I have been trying several combinations. I've owned BAT for well over 10 years. 50SE/51SE, VK200, VK60, 75SE, 150SE's...The things I keep coming back to is the Nagra PLL/VPA's and Ayre KXR/MXR.The KXR is really a killer preamp. Silent. My... 
ss amp synergy w/wilsons
The Ayre MX R's sounded so good at my dealer they are now in my system at home. I am VERY impressed with these Ayre amps. I've run tubes for years with my Wilsons. The Ayre are wonderful. Revealing, Transaparent, Delicate, Powerful, Seamless...I h...