

Responses from jfrech

BAT SS amps VS Ayre MX-R
I went from bat vk150se to ayre mxrs. I am very happy with the Change. I think system matching at this level is critical. The ayre mxrs do seem to need several days to warm up and very Extended breakin time. Finally, if you are keeping your bat pr... 
esoteric x-01, ux-1 etc reliable?
You also might want to do a search in the forums. Several of us (including me) have sent in our Esoteric's for a issue (not under warranty) and Esoteric fixed for free, put it in brand new boxes (umm tripped boxed) fedex'd back on their nickel.In ... 
DIN to RCA adapter
Albert, great idea. I bet the wire inside my Tri Planar arm isn't broken in yet either. I'll give this a spin this week end.Thanks 
Keep my tubes??
It's best if you pack them up and send them to me. I'll keep them safe for you :) 
Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.
Yoavgeve and Johnmaxx,I think the passion, competition, and drive for the best each respective company can produce is great for our hobby and your industry.Thanks for the posts, it helps us all understand what your striving for and for us as the b... 
Cleaning solution
Both good suggestions above. I use Premier Frist 1st, then Mofi (record research) deep clean 2nd, and a rinse with Mofi wash (record research). Someimes I follow with last ...I do use the last brushes to spread all the above (3 diff brushes) and 2... 
SME V arm: vertical play at the arm post
Hi Peter, I think this is a "feature" of this arm. My SME IV.Vi wiggled slightly anytime the collar was loosened...Didn't you have 309 before this? I expect it would have the same "feature" b/c it shares the rack and pinion overhang and VTF (if yo... 
Porter Port WHAT DO U THINK?
Hi, I have 4 porter ports. I'd say, better transparency...any way a clear step ahead however you phrase it. 
phono preamp with volume?
Hi, I think the consenus thought here is a linestage is desireable with a phono stage. Just yields a better sound.Not sure your price range or needs, but their are several preamps with very good built in phono stages.-Some of the BAT preamps have ... 
Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.
dgad: I don't know if the maxx 3 has the same material as the new sasha. all I know is my 3's are making some great music now :)...but so did my WP 6's and 8's and maxx 2's ! 
Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.
Great marketing, great company, and great product. Nice combo...dgad: have the maxx 3's started wispering to replace those stellar 2's yet ? :) 
Seeking turntable upgrade advice
Any particular price range you want to stick around? The SME tables are great. If you want adjustable VTA, go with a Tri Planar or Graham on the SME. 
02 x bat vk55 monoblocks an overkill for Harbeth?
The BAT mono's sound pretty good (improves on the single-it's not just more power).This is a tough choice. The vk55 uses the 6sn7 on the input which gives some beauty in the midband. The 75SE likley has more control and extension on the extremes a... 
Raven One Motor Noise Problem
This is a big shot in the dark. I don't have any experience with your raven. But I did have a sme 20/2 with a noisy motor at one point. Turns out I had been putting 2 drops of oil in it over time vs one drop a year. I thought for sure it was a bea... 
Experience with BAT-VK-75SE and Wilson Sophia2?
Hi Scott. Congrats on the 52SE ! I bet that is going to stellar in your system...Over the years, I've ran a VK200, VK60 and then a VK75SE with my Watt Puppy 6's (at the time) in 2 different rooms. One about your size and one quite larger (my curre...