

Responses from jfrech

Anyone running Wadia 581se through tube pre?
Years ago I had a Wadia 850. Running direct. When I added a BAT VK50SE, more dynamics, bigger,wider, deeper stage, better extension.The preamp cost more than the Wadia. So yes it was better. And yes I bought the BAT preamp. The BAT preamp has sinc... 
Wilson MAXX II Bi amp question.
You could do this. But they are strictly not designed for this and you'll be bypassing parts of the crossover.What are you trying to achieve here? I would highly not recommend this...they are one of the worlds best speakers-as they are. 
Wilson-Benesch Full Circle A.C.T. 0.5 Carbon arm
I owned one years ago. I was using a Lyra Cartrdige at the time and maybe that combo didn't work right. Didn't float my boat. My dealer thinks it is a killer table and I've heard it at his shop with a Cardas Heart. Sounded good.I moved on to a SME... 
How many hours did your projector lamp last?
On my old sony vpl vw10ht, it'd get about 1000 hours before it got a little dim and the colors started loosing their "pop"One bulb I ran to 2200 hours...but the replacement bulb really highlighted the differences.I've since donated that projector ... 
Interconnect length
no way you can put the phono pre close to your table then run the 3 m interconnect? This is on the high side, it's hard to say whether it'll be "significant" with out trying it both ways.Sorry it's not more of a definitive answer... 
Please suggest good balanced Preamp
I think you have a very good list already, plus the other suggestions are good.I would add a (used) BAT VK51SE on the list. You can get one for right about $3700-4k.I agree with the other poster on the Aesthetix. I would not worry about noise with... 
Phono cable for Graham Phantom
I need to post a update to my comments above! The Tri planar was NOT internally wired with Steath, Steath just added their custom din plug to the current Tri Planar wiring at the base of the tonearmAnyway, it still sounded great and the comparison... 
Phono cable for Graham Phantom
Hi, I recently got to hear the Steath Hyperphono right next to my Purist Proteus Provectus. In my system. Both with my current SME 20/2 SME IV.Vi Lyra Skala, and with a (on loan) Grand Prix Monaco turntable with Triplanar arm (internally wired wit... 
ARC 210's w/BAT VK52SE vs ASR Emitter Exclusive II
I don't get this post? You have great equipment. The tubes last quite awhile. Yes it'll cost you a little to replace in 2-3 years (maybe amp output tubes soooner) but a retube is less that what you'll loose on trade in/resell.I'm in Tx. I agree on... 
Not "Christmas Jazz" - Jazz for Christmas
18 lp box set... 
Turntable in 20 K$ price range - Design & Music
Really a few others you should consider:EAR DiscmasterGrand Prix MonacoSME 20/2 or 20/12 (one being a little lower, one higher in price)TW Acustic Raven AC1 or AC3 (both being under 20k)Anyway, you have a very nice problem to have !I own a SME 20/... 
Bat vk31se and vk120 vs Simaudio I-7
I think your nuts :) !! But that's my opinion. Keep your BAT gear. Maybe upgrade the 31SE to a 32SE/51SE/52SE.You also might like SS amplication, if so try the BAT integrated then...Just my 2 cents 
Impressions of the BAT REX
So my dealer and I put my other 75SE back in today (back to my BAT VK 150SE's) Have a few hours with everything warmed up now.I also think my Maxx 3's are still breakin in and changing a lil, definately for the better. The VK 150SE vs the VK 75SE:... 
Tube pre amp with phono stage and remote
Forgot, the Aesthetix Calypso. Very good option to consider along with my BAT comments above... 
Tube pre amp with phono stage and remote
Several of the BAT models work here. VK3ix, VK30, 31, 32se