

Responses from jfrech

Has anyone tried Full Music 12ax7's?
I have Nagra pre and phono stage. I know Tone Audio did a recent review, he pretty much raved. Seems like I should try em...thanks for the post 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Tobes, great pic of your A90! What camera/lenses did you use? 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Posts like this are giving me the itch to buy one! Mike's posts got the itch going also! I could take back my wife and kids christmas presents and just order this :)So both you and Mike are putting some high praise on this cartridge. Any compariso... 
New Lyra Delos Cartridge
jcarr, these posts are of great interest! Thanks. I'm on my 4th Lyra now (lydian b, helicon 2 skala's one had a tragic accident:). From your above post I changed my VTA/VTF on my Tri Planar, since temps have changed, it did help !Changing the load... 
Monaco TT with Halcyonics
Hi, 1st I love my Monaco TT and have been curious about isolation. I have it currently on a Finite Elemente master reference rack. Maybe over the holidays I'll try a grand prix rack from my dealer to see.active isolation, like commented about, may... 
Tonearm cabling for Graham Phantom
Hi, all good comments above. On the right angle vs straight, sometimes this also depends on the cable, the Purist Audio Designs I use has a very flexible 6 inch lead allowing fairly unrestrictive movement and ability to bend. Others maybe more sti... 
Neil Young/ CSN new vinyl releases
Are all these 4 the same as the upcoming box set? Fremmer on his musicangle website comments the 140g aren't nearly as good as the box set 180g new reissues.I want to order the best sounding copies ... 
Purist Audio : Proteus Provectus speaker cable
Hi, so I just switched out my Dominus Ferrox speaker cable (these had the upgraded auctorita conductors) for Proteus Provectus.While I may have downgraded in Purist's line, I think I upgraded from a system matching perspective. The Proteus Provect... 
Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?
Wow, first I have heard someone wanting more from this table. But hey, we all get the bug !Some options:1st is the new TW Black Night. 2nd is a SME 30/12 with V-12 arm.However both of these may just give you more of what you have.These tables may ... 
TriPlanar Tips
Phaser,Congrats on your table and arm. I went the same path as you and really have enjoyed my GPA Monaco and Tri arm. What cartridge and arm cable are you using?I also put 2 o rings on the cueing lever, one down a ways and one up. On Antiskate, I ... 
BAT VK-P5 6922 tube question ?
Yes, you can also call BAT on this. You may need to rebias after you change those tubes. It's pretty easy, but requires the cover to be off...4 hours of warm up (approx) and a meter. BAT can assist here to... 
BAT VK-P5 6922 tube question ?
Hi the middle two at the rear. These are the "input" tubes. I used to have a P5, then a p10, then a p10SE, then a p10SE superpak.Good money spent here is well rewarded. I liked JAN 7308's. Make sure the sections are matched then ditto for each tube. 
Any comments on Transparent & Cardas phono cables
Hi, it's been a awhile since I compared these cables. Transparent has upgraded their line up over the years. If you like the interconnect, I feel the same will occur with the Transparent Phono cable. The current MM2 cables from Transparent are ver... 
Upgrade from Pass Xono - Recommendations
What issues are you having with Xono or where do you want to improve? Leaving it on seems to be your only complaint (but that is somewhat common for SS gear to sound it's best)Just curious before I offer advice, Thanks 
SME 30 compared to current favorites
Hi Peter, I went from a SME 20/2 IV.Vi arm to a Grand Prix Monaco with Triplanar VII uii arm. First, I had my SME for years and really loved that table. There is a "rightness" to it's sound that I don't think can be bettered, except by a 30/2 or 3...