
Responses from itsjustme

High end stereo preamps? Worth it?
Is anyone aware of these types of components, and have you heard them, and are any available at a more reasonable price level? Funny, if you are asking about an integrated amp, with a direct plug-in RIAA option, it's my current design project.   (... 
High end stereo preamps? Worth it?
Ah the "great preamp vs no preamp" question.So how can anything be better than zero distortion?  Its tough, but possible in one of three ways. 1. It adds a euphonic distortion that you like.. nothing wrong with this, its what a Piano's sounding bo... 
High end stereo preamps? Worth it?
Worth is a subjective question.  Relative worth may be easier to deal with. I always ask the question "if i have $1000 to spend, where do i get the biggest benefit".  That depends, basically, on where the biggest problems are. And its exactly why ... 
Amplifier warm up
Actually, i agree with both the OP and N80.Yes! solid state warms up, and over a 30-60 minute period the majority occurs. Many solid (state) reasons.That said, everything sounds better after a glass of wine, or with stable blood sugar or whatever.... 
Can someone tell me what wrong
you already swapped tubes. You swapped the entire amps! 
Can someone tell me what wrong
If every test is as you say, I'm baffled. The ONLY answer is that a) its the amps and b) they both changed at the same time.  And suddenly.This is very unlikely.Speakers don't generate hiss.Passive components don't generate (meaningful) hiss.You r... 
Amp repair cost — is this right?
It's the ones that go off on a tangent with esoteric replacement parts that make me pause. Yes, missed the point of re-capping 'lytics whcih are without doubt already bypassed with poly-something film :-) 
Amp repair cost — is this right?
Building my own I am free to use polypropylene power supply capacitors instead which have an unlimited shelf life and do not wear out. For the 1kV power supply to my final stage of SET amplification I use polypropylene capacitors rated at 2400 ... 
Amp repair cost — is this right?
In Australia a "reputable repair shop" charges $115-$130aud per hr that $80-$90usd. Like I said it would take a tech that "cares" about a day to do this properly heat soaked and biased back up. And then there’s the "quality" parts 16 x large po... 
Amp repair cost — is this right?
@teo_audio:$100 to take it apart, remove the PCB, remove all the caps, buy new ones, put them in, pre-test, re-assemble, final test?If so I will hire you as a tech tomorrow :-)G 
Amp repair cost — is this right?
I speak with some knowledge since i’ve designed many commercial amps, and recently re-capped, mostly as a favor, a dozen or so ~30 year old units that i know the owners of and were sold under my own label(s). Its a total PITA.Just an aside, i rece... 
Advice on best mid priced MM cartridge choice for Rega P3 (2016)
Simple. Grado Black ($100) or Green ($130)Warm, dynamic, lovely. 
Speakers Nominal Power handling/Amplifier
Since much has already been said, i’ll keep this brief.First, Millercarbon hits the technical highlights. The exponential power relationship with volume is the primary reason though, why power ratings are overblown. This is because of the necessar... 
When to Poweroff amps and preamps
Most preamps ought to stay on 24/7. Mine have no power switch (solid state). Eve tubes, if they run moderatlely cool to warm are best just left one. There is some sonic benefit and the power drain/heat is minimal in many preamps.Power amps are ant... 
Msb dacs why not alot of postings
Yes, today they are crazy expensive. Yet looking back 20 years that was not always so. I have one of Mark’s earlier units, the MSB Gold Full Nelson, to which i added my own power supply (plural actually) and some further fitter control (a loop on ...