
Responses from itsjustme

I have only come here seeking knowledge...
The big question is "what changed?". You mentioned that you moved things a couple of months ago, but you also say this hum began 7 days ago. So I surmise it was all quiet after the move to the basement.There is the possibility that the hear wave m... 
Solid states more accurate than tubes?
this is such a complex question; beginning with "is accuracy always what we want?" and "on what distortion weighting algorithm do you define accuracy?"bell Labs and H.264/MPEG both championed subjective testing to optimize trade offs. Neither are ... 
PS Audio BHK lacking..
if $10k worth of gear cant beat < $1k step #1 is to measure and baseline that it is working even remotely properly.  Both performance and settings (eg..; Bias) 
Does it improve the sound of a MM or MI cartridge by playing it through a phono stage?
presumably you are asking "sparate dedicated box vs built in RIAA & amplifier".And (drum roll please) it depends on which one is better designed and executed. I happen to be working on one right now. The circuit, PCB etc will be identical whet... 
Why would I need Roon?
unless roon is that much is. 
Why would I need Roon?
1. user interface2. ROON radio >>> any other smart auto-playlist3. a new way to spend too much money :-)4. Sound quality (depending on whether you are using the integrated Bluesound DAC which is << $99 Schiit and way below many audi... 
Who says cables don't make a difference?
It is easier mitch2, when most of the people who throw around terms like imaging and sound-stage, etc. don't understand the underlying mechanisms for how those things manifest.To be fair one can hear without understanding how.  We as a species d... 
Who says cables don't make a difference?
travelling light. I hear the same joke twice in one way. Who'd guess? 
Who says cables don't make a difference?
Who would want a cable that attenuates portions of the audio spectrum that they are trying to conduct from one component to another? That means that if you hear a difference between two interconnects it’s because the two cables in question are ... 
This Equipment Recommendation Actually Worked Out Well!
Someone asked why an isolation transformer could be beneficial. Its more a question of "how could it NOT be beneficial". They are almost always used in sensitive labs.The electrical engineering answer is noise reduction on the input power. Isolati... 
Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?
Yes!  Of course! 
Question for amp experts
Absolutely.Yes, as Millercarbon say, there are some space and cooling limitations to an active speaker, but with money, many can be overcome. So in theory, not impossible at all. And as also noted, there are significant opportunities when one can ... 
Can I bi-amp my speakers with two different amps?
george and eric hit the important points - selecting the right amp for each and equalizing the gains. 
Best DAC for around $2,500 or less
i would consider, in no particular order:DenefripsChord QutestMytek BrooklynSchiit (but that is my least fav - they shine at the low end)Allo for like $450 with fancy power (seriously)problem with Allo is that its basically "roll your own"You also... 
Big source improvement using CD player
My two cents, you learned the wrong conclusion.  You are using a compressed streaming source, and who-knows-what DAC (you didn't say). Compared it to a high end CD player.In general, all else equal,i prefer playing FLAC/ALAC files or streaming the...