
Responses from itsjustme

What makes a DAC so expensive?
There are many assumptions or assertions buried in the original question and several replies. First, the DAC chip is a small part of the cost of a DAC, and in the case of the R2R Schiits, know that they had to do a bunch of custom work to use thos... 
Do Tonearms need servicing
I would say in general, "no". That said you ought to ensure that:1. your setup/alignment has not drifted out of spec2. the bearings -- if adjustable - are not loose (or tight)The only wear and tear part is the bearing. If damaged it probably needs... 
Any advantage to Bluesound Node 2i Versus Streaming from PC
Direct is always better. Unless something in the chain does something to the sound that you like. Generally good advice, but in the digital streaming chain there are complications:1. sometimes an intermediate device isolates noise, for example an... 
Tweaking the new Grado Timbre Sonata 3
A resistor can be soldered in series with the hot lead either inside the RCA or inside the phono stage. If its a big deal go for it. Otherwise if guys are saying Grado can be slow to loosen up then wait and see. Yes, but if he wants to adjust hi... 
... Should I be concerned?
Look into the difference between gain control and volume control. In very, very simple terms, volume effects the outgoing signal but does not have any effect on the signal. It simply makes the signal “louder”. Gain control directly changes the ... 
Any advantage to Bluesound Node 2i Versus Streaming from PC
The amp is listed as “Roon ready” and Roon shows up as one of the inputs.  If I had Roon does this mean I can stream directly to the amp without going through my PC as I’m doing now? yepAdvantages? Less stuff.  I cannot see any possible advantag... 
Any advantage to Bluesound Node 2i Versus Streaming from PC
Regarding SSD disks almost all people who has tried with music streaming says that it is better. It will certainly read faster (although that's rarely a limitation) but regardless less power = less power supply noise = better.  Exactly why still a... 
Any advantage to Bluesound Node 2i Versus Streaming from PC
I tried Roon with a MacAir vintage 2010.  It worked for a day but when I turned it on the next day the Computer froze and seriously overheated.  My one day trial didn’t tantalize me enough to want to retry.  I would run it on a dedicated PC, or... 
Any advantage to Bluesound Node 2i Versus Streaming from PC
back to basics. I'm not sure how you have this connected, but if you are connecting both to your "amp" then the interface must be ANALOG and there is a whole world of difference way too complex for this post.  If, on the other hand you are connect... 
Soundstage gone
My usual comments: this is too extreme to have anything to do with most audiophile "tweeking around the edges" suggestions.  Either a) something is broken in the cart, b) it is set up (alignment) incorrectly, c) the wires are somehow wrong (this w... 
Ok now I am frustrated with streaming
to RVpiano - i play both back to back and on my system vastly prefer streaming to physical CDs - typically from my server but also from Tidal/etc. I rip all my CDs ALAC and play on either Mac with Bitperfect and upsampling, or ROON on  dedicated 4... 
Ok now I am frustrated with streaming
There are so many half thoughts and disconnected opinions here as to confuse anyone. A fw comments:1. if your wifi sounds better than Ethernet, you have a problem2. A high res video stream is 3-10 mbps; streaming FLAC music is ~ 0.7 mbps.  so 230 ... 
Bi-Amping with one amp?
Simple answer, as Eric said, is "yes and yes".The question is how much benefit you'd get with 4 more-or-less identical amp channels.  Bi Amping has two main benefits that ic an think of offhand:1. Separate the two loads so if one is demanding or n... 
Path of signal from turn table to speaker
thinking about what you have heard, i’ll add this: in most studios things are immediately digitized and processed in the digital domain, using both digital mixing boards and more often ProTools software.In the studio case, music -- often individua... 
Path of signal from turn table to speaker
In a nutshell: no and no.Its pretty straightforward ( i wrote "simple" and caught myself). With a few exceptions, and those are recent, the signal path is entirely analog. DACs and ADCs are only used for digital sources - and in 99%+ of cases thos...