
Responses from itsjustme

Paralleled Transistors
Short answer: no. Everyone parallels devices. Also paralleling them is not really related to complementary pairs (NPN and PNP) which are used to achieve DC coupling to speakers. Which almost everyone does.Exceptions: tubes and some really oddball,... 
Schiit order issue - anyone receiving shipments?
I had a recent warranty repair handled quickly. Yes, communications is not their strong suit...low cost. 
Does Anyone Think CD is Better Than Vinyl/Analog?
This is just an invitation for argument but I’ll bite: yes.Remember that digital is in its infancy. 35 years after the development of the record we were still recording into tin, "CD", as in a plastic disk with pits integrated with an on... 
Not in love with my system yet. Help!
Not sure if you have the input you need.  If you want feel free to PM me.First, please be specific about what love you are not feeling.   Is it too much bass? Too little?  Bad integration? What?  Dont leave us guessing (wrong)Sub woofers have many... 
Tweeters are silent on my Wilson audio Sofia 2
or test with a 1.5V battery (AA, D..)  and two leads ... much safer and easier :-)Just touch wires to the terminals and listen for a click.I'm baffled how this could have been overlooked, but hey.If the tweeter are not functional you have:1. miswi... 
Speaker upgrade for classical music
Curious why you think speakers for classical differ from speakers for other genres... there’s something you are looking for that you have not said.Anyway, for $8k you ought to be able to get some great speakers. Before i suggest anything, i’ll men... 
Living room system: class A or AB amps?
hey Robert,I think you know the answer.... its a trade-off of heat, power cost, whether you feel green, and sound.Lets begin with the fact that being class A vs AB is not the most important determinant of sound quality.  A high-bias AB design does... 
*WHITE PAPER* The Sound of Music - How & Why the Speaker Cable Matters
The abstract defines the "error" as the voltage drop between amplifier and speaker. Isn’t that determined solely by the resistance of the speaker and cable? So the "lowest error" would be obtained with a speaker cable of least resistance? Look, i’... 
Analog vs digital?
Welcome NZastro.I too have an old Linn, although its my "3rd string" table.  And yet, i am firmly in the other camp - almost always prefer my digital ( and have among my DAC choices, a Denefrips, and not as expensive as yours).That said i attribut... 
What's wrong with my speaker?
almost certainly a broken voice coil assembly.  Replace.Vienna drivers are costly!  But the speakers are great. I have Mahlers .... 
Basic technical question about digital source signals
such a design decision breaks the theory of digital audio.Not really, it presumes that subsequent filters (mechanical limits in your speakers and your ear, which respond per F=MA; inherent limits in subsequent components) achieve he filtering.  Th... 
Basic technical question about digital source signals
Given the number of people who prefer nonoversampled DACs something seems wrong/incomplete with this theoryWell, first, i’m providing a technical answer. You need not like it, but it is true.Next, people have many opinions. Many are odd. Many will... 
Basic technical question about digital source signals
So, the quick answer is it is smoothed. Yes, there are discrete samples. But filters reconstruct the analog wave form, essentially via low pass filtering.  At the recording studio a similar set of filters is in place to ensure that nothing above t... 
Looking for more detail in a speaker
Pi*r^2calculate 1, then 2, then subtract.Now you have the volume of air moved. Of course there are myriad other factors from magnet efficiency to rigidity to.....But if all you're asking about is diameter, there you go. 
High end stereo preamps? Worth it?
@sokogear-@itsjustme - no - I was talking about going straight from a phono stage to a power amp. Not clear what you are saying "no" to.  Precisely what i was talking about.  RIAA --> Power amp is "no preamp". No matter just a bit confused.