
Responses from itsjustme

power cord directionality
absolutely!  It wont fit in the plugs. QED 
Giving up on Itunes! Alternatives? I want to run my hardrive with a dedicated tablet.
ok, can;t edit my earlier post. Roon does NOT support unfold #2, despite some exciting, but misleading, wording.  Too much to hope for.  Gotta buy Bob's chip. 
Giving up on Itunes! Alternatives? I want to run my hardrive with a dedicated tablet.
Larry - i think maybe you are confusing itunes ( an app) with music formats? if you are clear on the difference, please make it clear - not everyone will take the correct learning from simple statements. You can play HD in iTunes/bitperfect - the ... 
Giving up on Itunes! Alternatives? I want to run my hardrive with a dedicated tablet.
someone said: "iTunes/Apple Music isn’t noted for its audio quality."Incorrect!   Itunes on a mac mini is one of the best playback platforms, assuming you are playing HD or FLAC (ALAC) files.  Couple it with BitPerfect ($10) and you have a terrifi... 
Giving up on Itunes! Alternatives? I want to run my hardrive with a dedicated tablet.
you are asking a lot of questions (good, but real answers are complex and lengthy).You got great input on Audirvahna and Roon. I use Roon.This is a sacred cow, but IMO cables are vastly over rated and over priced - difference or not, the money can... 
BIG 2nd to what Eric wrote about rooms. reflective surfaces can create horrors. Like i keep saying:1. room2. setup3. source materialactual electronics are further down the list of priorities.G 
It is unclear whether you have the same brightness with CDs and with LPs. Let's start there.  Next, has this always been bright? Or, has something changed recently?  If so, what component change did you make that might correlate to the brightness?... 
Decent preamp
I will 4th the suggestion that integrated amps can deliver a lot more value. But you dont want one. OK.The secret is to read, a lot. You may think that recommendations here are easier or a short path to success. Not so.  At best you will get someo... 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
I know this is heresy to true believers, but AC cables, if good quality, are all very similar.  At minimum the $300-+++ you will spend can be put to vastly better use elsewhere. I have a very expensive, revealing system and find many claims to be ... 
XLR connectors
How long is too long for interconnects?
for over a decade i had my source and preamp stack near my listening position and amp/s between my speakers. Cables ran nearly 30 feet.  They were usually  unbalanced, with a faraday shield. Nothing fancy.  Noise from those interconnects was never... 
What is the average dealer mark up?
numbers from above are largely correct, but like the fiances of car dealers, it gets more complicated.  most dealer cost sheets will have the 60% (40% discount) as the baseline.  But then there will be a few more points for larger orders, and occa... 
How far away from your speakers are you?
short answer, about 35' and two walls.:-)But my primary listening seat is about 12' from the speakers, which are about 10' apart, 4' from the built-ins, which total 2' from the back wall.  There's another 7-10 feet behind the listening chairs.  Ph... 
Problem with preamp volume control
ps: rare problem!  Most people don't have enough gain with low output 'coils. Tons of gain without noise or hum (which is a form of noise, ok, ok) is tough.  be happy you have it. 
Problem with preamp volume control
Great that you have it solved.To summarize my comments on the various options.1. Al was spot on. hey. he's two for two in my book this week.2. messing with cartridge loading (between cart and phono preamp) is dicey unless you redesign the interfac...