
Responses from itsjustme

Youngsters these days.
because having 60,000 albums at my fingertips, 1000s MQA/HD is a really good thing 
What Percentage Off Would You Expect to Discount For Open Box Amp with Blemish
too many unknowns to answer:what's overall demand on this brand/model - easy sell?How significant is the blemish? - way too vagueWhen its discontinued - is it now obsolete or suddenly in demand?You e my point. Careful with the generalizations abov... 
Are integrated amps technically better than separates?
BTW someone justified the difference based on independent power supplies. And why can i not have multiple power supplies in one box? I once designed and manufactured a power amp with 5.  Why 5??? (insert old Audi ad joke "ya, because six vas too b... 
Are integrated amps technically better than separates?
In a perfect world, where everything is equal, and for any given amount of money spent by the designer manufacturer, yes. Why? less money on chassis, better control of interfacing, fewer wires.Now on the real world :-)Nothing’s every equal. And se... 
has anybody else noticed this about flac audio?
Guitarsam - the levels have to do with the level of compression achieved, but all are lossless. The more convoluted (literally!) a code you use, or the more passes, the longer it takes,and the better the compression will be. In fact the difference... 
If I just use a DAC, do I need a Pre-amp?
You need to do some homework. True digital volume control (such as in a mac, windows, and many consumer players) is very poor. You begin with 16 bits, do some digital math, and wind up with as few as 8 bits remaining at realistic listening levels.... 
Analogue question
Ground Loop. Funny, i jsut spoke about those on another thread.Everything must go to the same ground point. Find one outlet, put a high quality outlet strip on it, plug into that. Need to get somewhere else, get a logn, heavy extension cord.Ground... 
Dedicated 20 amp circuit - Electrician laughed!
Millercarbon basically hit all the highlights so I’ll say little:It makes a small but meaningful differenceMust be a home runMost likely reason/benefit is minimizing connections along the way, and interference from other devices on the same circui... 
Can we talk streamers based on UI rather then SQ?
+1 more: Roon. And its SQ is as good as it gets.Roon dos have its issues, but what software doesn’t?Now back to your problem.  Lost data is not a UI problem, unless you simply don't know how to find them.All systems struggle, to a degree, with Met... 
Why do you think Bi-Wiring improves the sound ?
Violating my own promise, I will make a few very simple observations:For reference my system is quite extensive and has been tuned (e.g.: room, TT setup) pretty darned well, although i am not a maniac about it.1. I have heard small, but meaningful... 
Why do you think Bi-Wiring improves the sound ?
As for kool-aid  It worked for the Grateful Dead !Well, that kind of kool-aid may improve the sound of any system. I know for a fact i prefer the sound of my system after a glass of good wine or Scotch.  really. 
Why do you think Bi-Wiring improves the sound ?
I wont even comment on the benefits of bi-wiring, + or -.  I have my biases and i have not done it it too long to feel confident.But i will say that Millercarbon's comment is the most important one that we should all keep in mind, and almost no on... 
Lifespan of amps and preamps?
There are two questions here, I think:1. are they sonically obsolete?  --> in my opinion, no.  There's lots of great 30 year old stuff, and most importantly you said you like it. QED.--> there may be better stuff, but i'd go very cautiously2... 
Is there such a thing as too much power?
A few more comments:0. as other have noted, with details your question is academic and no one can explain why. If they try they lie or are fools.1. more power is better. You may not use it, but occasionally it will allow for un-distorted dynamics ... 
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound?
technically you are right on.  better yet, get 1" master capability.problem: software. end.G