
Responses from itsjustme

Tidal MQA Hollowness
i have no basis to comment specifically on the Aurender, but somewhere int he back of my engineer's mind, i'm asking "how do we separate the heoretical advantages and disadvantages of he MQA format from the specific chips that must be inserted to ... 
Tidal MQA Hollowness
Well, since i design gear, that’s a moving target.But the constants: Roon, wired ethernet (no wifi); one unfold; prototypes of the amps and preamps i have designed over the decades, including current projects; cables = nothing special since i fuse... 
Tidal MQA Hollowness
Nope. Quite the opposite. Note i am not using an MQA 2nd unfold decoder - in essence I'm getting the full resolution but none of the magic mushroom juice of the proprietary chip -- good or bad.  very hgih end system though, and Roon performing the... 
Are "vintage" DAC's worthwhile, or is this a tech that does not age well
@eric_squires wrote:I suspect this has to do with much more accurate clocks and anti-jitter technology in the underlying silicon. My experience with my stable of DACs is that the DAC itself is the least important component - anything can b made to... 
Best DAC / Budget
The Schiit Modi is a very low cost DAC. I have a Modi3, and its excellent - for $99.  I'll come out and say though, that unless you only play audiophle records, even the lowly Modi2 ought to regularly equal your phono, or something's wrong.  In th... 
Are "vintage" DAC's worthwhile, or is this a tech that does not age well
There was an almost identical thread recently.  You ought to look it up.  I wont repeat the lengthy post i made, but i will say:1. I have no dog in this fight, yet.2. I totally disagree that DACs sound alike. And i run single blind experiments all... 
Cables ... no longer opinion
Are you kidding?Did you read?Did you join the discussion when this was posted directly here about a year ago?This is a manufacturer "white paper" - aka infomercial. 
What is the average life expectancy of a DAC?
LOL some of us bottom-feeders love depreciation.  Buy a $5k DAC for $700 when its no longer the shiny object ......:-) 
What is the average life expectancy of a DAC?
I think there are two questions embedded in yours - one obvious, one hiding.The hiding question is "how long until it is obsolete and [possibly to you] worthless".The surface question is "how long will it operate reliably".If you buy a quality DAC... 
Why would anyone want class AB amp when class A always sounds better ?
... as already noted, because it does not always sound better. I can easily design a horrendous class-A amplifier.  Design is everything. All the practical benefits are noted as well, but i can further assure you that the cost (transformer, device... 
Are these exceptionally well recorded, or what?
In my experience there is zero question that the most important thing determining sound quality - more than nearly any component, is the recording/mastering. They need not be new - some of the best "digital" are well mastered CDs from 1960s jazz r... 
FTC may end amplifier rule! ACTION NEEDED
actually, i find the FTC requirements arbitrary. Music is not a 100% duty cycle into an 8 ohm resistive load. Having short term current and power capability is far more important than being able to, say drive a 75 watt signal into an 8 ohm resisto... 
Vinyl on NAD M10 lower volume
just underlining what has already been said: its normal. The phono stage has to guess as to the cartridge’s output level. hey will pretty much NEVER match. But why do you really care? turn up (and down) the volume - unless it is so dramatic as to ... 
Best type of metal for turntable platform?
I'll add my two cents: the kind of metal that isn;t metal.  Do a constrained-layer dampening plinth, and suspend it on whatever you want. Look it up - surprisingly easy and surprisingly effective.You want something that will not resonate within th... 
Paralleled Transistors
I wonder if someone can briefly explain why my high power class A Clayton S-2000 amplifier draws 6.2 amps when first turned on and then drops to 4.2 amp draw after 25-30 minutes....perhaps it is stabilizing its class A bias? That is kinda stran...