
Responses from itsjustme

Do I NEVER shut it off…?
i am bothered by two things in your question.  First the assertion that it must be left on constantly. Maybe, but i do not find this to be true with my own designs.  Rather i find a HUGE change in the first 30 minutes, a smaller change int he net ... 
Class A amplifiers
Like most blanket statements, its no true but has some kernel of truth.  Class-A amps typically run hot because they dissipate 100% (actually in most cases, 200%) of their rated power all the time. But that is a design condition and ought to be ac... 
Replacement capacitors exploding
oh and to someones point a DC offset might have an impact on a NP cap (if its big enough) but not on a film.Which brings up an interesting theory on how it failed originally - if in fact you have enough DC (easy to measure) a BP cap, which is desi... 
Replacement capacitors exploding
Oh, i see he did later clarify that it was in fact a BP/NP.  Bipolar and Non Polarized are functionally identical.So if the voltage rating was the same it ought to work.That said, i would never want a Bipolar electrolytic where i could have a film... 
Replacement capacitors exploding
What construction/ "lytics? Film? What? Where did you get them?I ask because there is TON of fake stuff coming out of China, especially on ebay, that is just crap. Rated 100V, fails to 60. I got some others that leaked like a sieve when i tested t... 
Flipping record causing series of loud pops
its all been said.  Its static.  Always turn down volume when changing pretty much anything. Duh.But i have no idea why your tube phono stage has the issue.  Maybe a bad ground? A tube is just a voltage controlled valve,. 
Which Phono Pre?
Nelson does great stuff.  The Modwright is also very, very good. Have heard the MW and heard lots of Pass stuff over the years, but not that unit. Plus every phono stage is really a reflection of the tt/cart setup :-)As to zero noise - nice goal, ... 
What’s the relationship between gain (dB) and power (watts)?
millercarbon has it correct.  This gets confusing (for example, your first reply) because you confused gain (amplification factor - a multiple) and dB - a measurement of sound pressure as perceived by the human ear.So the real question is: "what a... 
Did I damage my speakers?
Do some trouble isolation. Is it both speakers? If no, begin swapping leads to isolate.  If not, can you replace any components with something you have int he closet? It matters not if its all that good - just that its in working order.I concur th... 
Do Banana Plug Adaptors Degrade SQ?
In theory I suppose everything de grades.  That said how great was your previous connection? How often did you open it and remake it with a clear wiping motion that cleans oxidation? Getting out of this minutia I can tell you that I can get absolu... 
Ground Wire
Very likely a ground loop complex topic why don’t you Google and read up on ground loops and then do a bunch of experiments to identify it and eliminate it also how are you driving mono block amplifiers with a phono stage and no volume control in ... 
Power Conditioner vs A/C cables
note on some comments above.  IMO the gold standard for a real, practical power conditioner is an industrial isolation transformer.  if oyu get one in the 2 kilowatt range, it will deliver plenty of transient power capability, will eliminate and D... 
Power Conditioner vs A/C cables
I believe that good power filters are very useful. Both to filter your AC, and to block digital noise from the digital/switching power supply components (computers, TVs, other). This means a mains filter AND a 2nd one, can be fairly simple, just f... 
6.5 vs 8 vs 10 woofer
Nonsense.  It depends on several factors bu is certainly not as simple as you suggest (or often even in that direction!):1. rollover frequency - lower means less coloration due to cone distortion2. Area - Pi*R^2 = more is better to move air; more ... 
Is it safe to use a higher amperage rating fuse?
There is just so much to deal with in that question, adn the related storeis, that my head spins.Simple answer: generally no.  And the ONLY time you should deviate is if you understand the reason the engineering, and then you would not b asking.Th...