
Responses from itsjustme

I really could use some help here.....
In general bi-wiring means that you can run independent wires to the tweeter and woofers.  It is different from bi-amping in that no additional filters are added - the entire signal goes to both.  I fail to see the benefit frankly.Anyhooo.  You ha... 
Do You Ever Find Yourself Unable to Listen To Your System?
Sure.  Serious listening can be a a really involving experience, but like most involving experiences, it is actually work. I often find it easier and more what i want to play music on other systems more int eh background - rather than go, sit in o... 
any suggestions on what to replace Bluesound Node 2i with
I’d back up and re-think your architecture. Problem #1 is that you really didn’t describe one. Exactly what functions is the streamer performing? How many DACs if any? Where? How connected?This has huge impact on whether the streamer makes much di... 
warmest speaker cables you've heard?
Any 28 gauge? LOLHonestly, if you need warm cables as tone controls you might address the fundamentals first; or put a very gentle LPF between your amp and preamp. 
Poor grammar is disappointing and decidedly distracting in formal audio reviews.
you might enjoy a book called "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" 
Will the placement of casters on speaker stands degrade the performance
Will you care? none of us can say.  Will it technically degrade the sound? Absolutely.  It will allow more motion of the entire speaker assembly, which modulates the transducer.  An ideal speaker would have zero motion.  Castors are wheels. With b... 
Recording to test right and left channels...
what are you unsure of?Is this cartridge pin wire uncertainty?Interconnects between turntable and preamp?CD and preamp?what?If its beyond the cartridge just pull one RCA and see what sound remains (with the speaker disconnected and/or amp off of c... 
Difference between ESS Sabre Burr Brown Wolfson DACs
to the comments on ladders vs chips - they are in fact all chips (with very few, expensive exceptions).Cheapest R2R used semiconducor resistors in ladder; best use(d) hybrid film resistors. Many modern ones used discrete resistors at very high cos... 
Is usb reclocking necessary?
@mijostyn says:No. Only unclocked USB signals need to be clocked. With modern clocks reclocking is unnecessary. Well, that appears true on the surface. And most people don't specify enough configuration data to rally know. But let me be very clear... 
Is usb reclocking necessary?
I will point out that the clock anomalies ARE analog :-).. and have direct analog implications.I will also add something i ought to have said earlier but neglected to:  proper clocking inside the DAC (either between the USB interface and the inter... 
Is usb reclocking necessary?
That depends. Re-clocking reduces jitter. If you have a sufficiently good DAC ($$$ is not always good or sophisticated), the jitter is already handled - maybe better than the re-clocker. I did see some test data that indicates that many reclockers... 
Novice Tidal Question…
Let's start with "its just a streaming service, what you do with the stream is up to you".I guess it comes into your bluesound node now?  You have therefore signed in and authorized that device.  to use another device you sign out and sign in else... 
Buying used: how old is too old?
Its a complicated area with aspects of both failure and obsolescence. Paper drivers and surrounds degrade in speakers, but boxes and (well made) crossovers ought not. You really need to look at the materials since in speakers it is very much a mat... 
Different amplifier class for different music genres?
that's just nuts.  Higher classes of operation reduce distortion ( and generate heat).  While, as it goes from Class B through various shades of AB to A, you have a major league diminishing return - its always GOOD.  Absolute utter nonsense.I've d... 
DeoxIT on cables/Jacks?
I personally find more sonic improvements from cleaning and tightening  very dirty or loose connections than from fancy cables (past a certain point of quality)> This, though, presumes they are dirty. One effective way to clean them is to inser...