
Responses from itsjustme

CD Quality Versus Streaming Quality
You didnt give any data on the streaming setup or settings. Tidal, for example, has three levels of quality.  The playback is critical. So you just said, "i have a convertible, its faster than my son's sedan, therefore convertibles are faster".Um,... 
To Stream or not to Stream
However, I do not stream my music for serious, usually by myself, listening. (snip) In those instances it is LP’s, cd’s etc...I have not invested a lot into the streaming stuff,I've taken this pretty seriously and I can say, without reservation,... 
To Stream or not to Stream
IN reply to the requests above, her is (part of) what I’ve learned.______________________________________________Guys - I’m not sure where the best place to put this all is - since i expect I’ll think of many things over time, and since i cant wri... 
To Stream or not to Stream
Glad you found and like  Hans. Happy to provide details on things i have tested and built - not because you would build it, but because it indicates what technical characteristics actually matter and which don't. Suffice it to say "buy this I did"... 
To Stream or not to Stream
1. There will be many opinions, some well formed, some not on ripped vs streaming, but having both, i almost never listen to my ripped CDs when there is likely a better sounding version on Tidal. Why better? Typically because they have re-mastered... 
What Integrated Amp do You use
Integrated: for me, remote volume, mute, and I wish it had remote balance from my listening spot.You are so right!!!!! 2 points to your house.I’ve been doing design on an integrated with full remote for (a long time, going on 2 1/2 years but i dig... 
Audiophile Loudness Wars—Too Much again!?
DACs can have very high line output levels, up to 4V is not atypical for a balanced DAC’s XLR outputs. Compare this to a typical "audiophile" analog setup with a 0.5mV MC cartridge into a phono stage with 60dB of gain, netting 0.5V line output.... 
Audiophile Loudness Wars—Too Much again!?
thinking about many of the responses, i suspect we are confusing several issues:  gain, recording volume, use of limiters and compressors to increase average playback level etc.  Unless you are running a very unusual piece of equipment "more gain"... 
Audiophile Loudness Wars—Too Much again!?
So' the definition of loundness means an increase of volume but imply a reduction of dynamic, ( increase of average power and decrease of The final sound lost in matter in many case, the dynamic is the main criteria to save in live music...Cert... 
Audiophile Loudness Wars—Too Much again!?
simple answer: turn down the volume. Does the same thing and easier than any of the methods described above - they are ALL resistive divider networks. Admittedly, the volume may track poorly at low volumes and most continuous volume controls are m... 
Will accidental max volume damage a speaker?
As many have already said, you would know (i hope) if you did any damage.  Speakers fail mostly due to heat. the voice coil, the electromagnet that moves the speaker cone/dome/whatever is wound with very small wire.  Over time it gets hot and !poo... 
Rather than answer "CDP vs DAC" with specific suggestions, I’ll give some general thoughts on the two categories.first, you understand a CDP contains a DAC, right? So its rally just a packaging question - and comes down to what’s available int he ... 
Best Preamp and Amp combination, interesting finding!!!
So many logical answers fgit that data without fitting your conclusion. Three pop to mind:1. Its a very good $1k amp and a so-so $3k amp2. You have impedance matching issues that one preamp solved and the other didn't3. the 1k amp solves a speaker... 
What is the most important component to consider while building a new system?
Like Paul I make some portion of my money selling electronics or at least designing them I totally agree the answer is speakers. No I would say to more important things are the room in the recording/mastering but those are not part of your “system” 
What DAC upgrade made you say “DAMN, that sounds SO MUCH better than my last DAC”?
If i may make two comments to @mattmiller:1. Actually, while one can spend a lot on a system and get poor results it is quite relevant if a user has a highly resolving system vs. less so. And $10k in a system by high end standards is -- choke -- n...