Responses from gdnrbob
Tight bass sub recommendations Vandy subs go well with Maggies.B | |
Vandersteen 7 mark ll or big Kef blades Ooooh, you bad man...B | |
Highest BUILD quality tube amps? I hope that isn't the Mac that is sensitive to DC in the power lines.B | |
Music I would succumb to under torture Even without having it shoved down my throat, 5 minutes of Hamilton is enough to make me resort to physical disfigurement.B | |
Help with a suggestion for using audio equipment in extremely humid climate conditions If you are so fortunate as to own a house near the ocean, I would think you would also have air conditioning?I'd be more concerned about salt damage.I worked in the Hamptons and saw firsthand how the ocean would necessitate yearly repairs and main... | |
RIAA, Questions only please I decided that if Ralph wanted to have his own discussion about RIAA he could most easily start his own post. It is clear we will not agree anytime soon.As others have pointed out, a forum is for discussion.As for : behavior was not polite nor wa... | |
Bluesound Node 2i Question @gawdbless,I got the best service using the Help tab in the App. Inside there is a 'Send Report Request'.I usually got a response within a day.They seem to have only 2-3 agents for troubleshooting, so they are probably stretched quite thin.I have ... | |
Audioques Power cable Dragon vs Hurricane what difference in low frequencies Great post Folkfreak.And, I concur with your opinion of SR. B | |
Anyone had the equipment customized ? I have had Steve McCormack mod and upgrade his equipment, which I would consider 'customising', as I can pick and choose what I want done.B | |
Vandersteen 2ce Signature and Signature 2? @tomic601 ,Sorry I wasn't clear. I use the MXR's with the Treo's.B | |
Vandersteen 7 mark ll or big Kef blades @tomic601 ,How did the Treo's with subs compare with the Quatro's?Bob | |
Best way to ship pair of Platinum Audio Speakers? Lacking the original boxes, I would ask Vandersteen to sell you some new ones. If that isn't in the cards, then use a double box method and separate the two with some peanuts.Also, I have used Uship to ship a pair of 3a sigs. The prices are reason... | |
Audioques Power cable Dragon vs Hurricane what difference in low frequencies Not what you are asking, but I have to say that your request is pretty difficult to answer, as each system will give different results.That being said, in my limited experience using AQ products, I have found every jump to the next level offers hi... | |
Vandersteen 2ce Signature and Signature 2? @daverz, I also own the VLR's.As I am using them in my office, and more like monitors (way up near the ceiling with some angle downward), I have to say they also outperform well beyond their price. Previously, I had a pair of Zu Omen Bookshelves. ... | |
Vandersteen Treo CT Wow, I am impressed.Mr. V. really knows how to design a speaker.Even my little VLR's kick some serious butt. I can spend hours in my office and never tire of them. I guess my MX-R's and MA-1's are overkill, but after years of budget systems, I rea... |