
Responses from gdnrbob

bluesound/network audio noob question here - can you play files in two places?
You need to buy a Node. Probably best to contact Bluesound directly. Yes, they do pick up the phone.I only have Nodes, and no Vault, so I can't say exactly. But, at worst you would need 2 Nodes. Even the original Node (not 2 or 2i) will network wi... 
Mono blocks or bia amp
Monoblocks let you use shorter speaker cables, so they aren't affecting sound as much as longer ones.Monoblocks are also easier to set up than vertical biamping (using one amp for high frequencies and one for lower)-which is what I think you are r... 
Dealer Behavior
I, too, got my initial experience during the late 70's-early 80's, and my experience mirrors yours.I was very happy to find Audiogon and USAM as a way to buy used equipment without the dealer.But I have to say I did get to meet with a really nice ... 
Which Transparent speaker cable to chose?
I tried Transparent, but went with Audioquest.In the end, I found Transparent cables to be way overpriced for what they offer, and, as you have discovered, seem to be somewhat imbalanced sound-wise- but that is system dependent, too.Still trying t... 
Obscure Gems - found Streaming - Chime in
When I was using Spotify, they offered a 'Discover' tab which offered music related to the music you played or added to favorite.I found many interesting composers via the Discover link.Bob 
Trained ears.
If you can tune a piano, then you know what the notes should sound like.Just listen to as many systems as you can, and form your own opinion.B 
What are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna buy next regardless of price?
I have a small room, so a pair of MBL 126's for me.Or, Vandy Quatro CT's.Possibly a pair of small Sound Lab speakers.Bob 
Vandersteen 7 mark ll or big Kef blades
 started working at Sound by Singer That explain the attitude.B 
US Customs fees. What should I expect ?
I bought pottery from Italy a few years back. I can't remember exactly, but the tariff wasn't terrible (3-4%), but now that we are having a 'war', it might be higher.B 
Vandersteen 7 mark ll or big Kef blades
I wish I could go to Munich, not just to compare the Kef vs Vandy’s, but also to finally listen to a pair of MBL’s.Unfortunately, my gardens need my attention.B 
Tight bass sub recommendations
@big greg, No problem.@millercarbon,I have no doubt 'The Swarm' works well, but it just makes sense that multiple subs will nullify/even out room nodes. Any of the subs listed would do that, when 4 or more were hooked up. The problem is who has th... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
@jim204,I may have mentioned it, but I use something called Fidelizer, which seems to do much the same as O&O.I might just give it a try and compare the two software platforms.I am also in the middle of trying a new streamer- Laufer Teknik’s M... 
Do posters intend to hurt the feelings of other members?
Common courtesy, and just basic manners, have devolved into a selfish 'me only' attitude. Just look at the state of this country if you want to confirm it.B 
Tight bass sub recommendations
@big greg, It isn;t the brand, but how the sub works with the speaker. Vandy's use an external crossover to cut off the speaker at low frequencies and letting the sub do its' job, so there is little overlap which would degrade sound quality.It als... 
Vandersteen 2ce Signature and Signature 2?
@tomic601 , Yeah, it is a bit over the top, but my main system really goes far beyond it.B