
Responses from gdnrbob

Qobuz on Bluesound in the U.S.?
Yes, I am using it as I write.Bob 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
@ozzy ,I believe the CPT 1800 is a power conditioner.The new Deep Core is supposed to be used before the CPT 1800.B 
The truth about why modern music is so awful.
@bdp24 .He is speaking the King's English.Otherwise, I think another factor to consider is the end of the sonata form of music- which has sustained western culture for over 300 years.B 
DAC/Streamer Advice
If you just need a DAC, I recommend the Ayre Codex or a Schiit Gungnir or Yggy, as best buys for the money.If you need network connectivity, then Bluesound Nodes would be an inexpensive way to go, plus you can output to the DAC of your choice.The ... 
Zu audio
I have owned two pair of Zu speakers, The Union, and the Omen Bookshelf.Both were very good for the money. The Union came close to my Vandersteen 3a sigs, but lacked the finesse.Newer models are probably going to provide better sound reproduction,... 
Shipping speakers
I have used UShip with good results.B 
Streaming music- not the end all music solution but one main advantage?
@mental I totally disagree. Tidal and Quobuz offer high rez streaming.And, if you haven't tried it, why would you dismiss it?B 
Streaming music- not the end all music solution but one main advantage?
I love it. Like you said, I can listen to music I never heard before, and probably wouldn't have bought if I couldn'tt listen to it first.And, sound quality is pretty awesome, too.B 
Quick Mye Stand Question
I don't own the Mye stands, but I do know packing.If you can disassemble them to a 2 dimensional state, then I would wrap them in shrink wrap plastic and put them in boxes or separate the components with cardboard.If they are heavy, you might want... 
Difference in sound between day and night. Help!
I don't know where you are located, but my conversations with Pat at SMcAudio in CA, revealed that their power showed significant changes as the day progresses. Late Evening and Early Morning being the time when power provided the best sound.So, i... 
In praise of moderation
+2It must be hard to keep things on an even keel, especially when 2-3 posters-you know them-keep dis-railing threads.Thankfully, said posters haven't come to the 'insiders', yet.B  
Recapping Krell KSA 250
I am no expert, but I think turning on the amps will not be a problem.If you are concerned, take off the cover and look around. If you see something bulging or looks like it is drooling, then you have a bad cap.If not, they should be fine.I owned ... 
Is now a good time to buy a pre-owned DAC?
That is why I now have 2 Ayre Codex's. A great DAC at a great price-especially used.B 
i am starting to think Audiogon profits off the spam...
+1 on having a 'trial period' before posts are automatically accepted.Unfortunately, it puts a lot of strain on the mods, if they have to screen every new members post.If the admin does manage to eliminate the spam posts, I hope they have some saf... 
McIntosh mda1000
For that money, I would get something more current.DAC's have  improved significantly in the past 10 years. The Mac is from around '06. Which is not saying it sounds bad, but I think for the money you could do better.B