
Responses from gdnrbob

Equipment break in question
I didn't give the 'burn in' belief much credit, but I was convinced when my Schiit Dac suddenly improved after many hours of playing. I left it on continuously, and played music when I had time to listen.It took a few weeks, but one day it just 'o... 
Qubuz feedback and membership Plan Suggestions
@three easy,I find Quobuz to be pretty complete. I also have Tidal.So far, Quobuz seems to have a better catalog. And, sound quality is as good/better.Classical is much better represented on Quobuz-almost as good as Spotify.B 
Tube (Primaluna) or Solid state (Parasound JC2)
Tough question.Both are good brands. How they work with Tekton's is hard to say.I think the only way is to trial both and see what floats your boat.Source and Preamp will also contribute to your decision.B 
Herbies Pucks floor spike protectors...
I didn't know Vandersteen made spike shoes.A quick Google shows they should probably work as good as my Herbie's gliders, though some may disagree.Some of this stuff can get a bit anal.B 
Linear Power Supplies with multiple power modules
Thanks Tecknik.All that is missing is someone who has listened to both brands.@jaybe Can you point me to any online discussions?Bob 
Herbies Pucks floor spike protectors...
I use them with my Vandy Treo’s. I use them to protect my wood floors.I can’t say that they either help or hinder, as I would not put spike marks in my floor. They also help with moving and adjusting the speaker as they glide easily.FWIW,I’d be wo... 
Who are some of elite sub woofers?
Refurbished Bluesound Vault 2
Faster transfer rates helps with issues of skipping/pops, etc.B 
Linear Power Supplies with multiple power modules
Great, thanks guys, just what I wanted to hear...Any Wyred4Sound users out there?Bob 
Anyone up for a group visit to Audioconnection?
Funny you should post...I was thinking of going this weekend/next week.B 
Getting it narrowed down for digital
I have seen them in action and find them very competent.B 
Refurbished Bluesound Vault 2
@adg,I didn't mean 5g wireless, but 5ghz wifi signal. There are 2 bands, 2.5 and 5ghz. The latter is less used and offers higher transfer rates, but with a lesser range of coverage.I got a Netgear 5ghz adapter for my Node 1. It works like a charm.... 
Refurbished Bluesound Vault 2
Only the new models have 5ghz network capability.+1 on adding a DAC for best sound, but the internal isn't bad for the money-This goes for all models.B 
Flexible power cord for Ayre Codex
From my talks with John Rutan, he believes the Source is the most important component and should have the best power cord, which is why I got the AQ Thunder PC. When I bitched to AQ that the cord was way too stiff, they said using a solid right an... 
Recapping Krell KSA 250
Look at HiFiShark. Click on the sold tab to get an idea of what they have been going for. There is also a little tab to click to get options, such as listing area-North America.B