

Responses from elberoth2

Crazy? Lamm ML2/ML2.1 on Avalon Eidolon?
Ad03 - I have just tried a 16W SET amp with my Eidolons, and it was by far the best combination I have triead. Before that I have tried a 30W SET amp based on GM30 tube - also absolutely NO problems. So IMO it is rather a question of QUALITY not Q... 
Crazy? Lamm ML2/ML2.1 on Avalon Eidolon?
Ad03 - Tenor 75s are OTL design - quite a different story than Lamms ML2.1. 
Crazy? Lamm ML2/ML2.1 on Avalon Eidolon?
F1a - they are 25k EUR. That is a lot, but as I said they just BLOW AWAY my Lamms M1.2, which cost almost the same here in Europe. Those amps use some NOS ECC88 tubes and Full Music 300B tubes. Wiring is all-silver, including the silver wired outp... 
Crazy? Lamm ML2/ML2.1 on Avalon Eidolon?
Avk - I just got my Lamms M1.2 Reference. I thought they sound great ... untill I borrowed an Ancient Audio Grand Silver Mono 16W SET amp last week, based on parallel 300Bs. What a sound ! Astonishing ! It blows EVERYTHING I have ever heard in my ... 
Theta Data Basic II cd transport Reliability ?
You can buy a Philips CDM-9 mechanism, buy you can't get the CDM-9Pro - and that is the one used in TB/TBII.CEC51 is nice, although some ppl reported problems reading CDRs. It is still servicable though - it uses popular Sanyo laser (15$ part). 
EMM Lab CDSD transport motor resonating
Oneobgyn - may I ask how came you have owned THREE CDSD transports ??? Were they all defective ? 
Theta Data Basic II cd transport Reliability ?
Avoid like fire. They like to break down, and when they do, all you can do is to sell the player for parts. 
Modern Day Good Transport
Jafox,I agree that the 2-nd digital IC has to be of high quality. I was talking about the first one (form transport to lens). It does make SOME difference, but it is nowhere near as great as the second one, and if you are on the budget, that is th... 
best preamp ever - cost is no object
I will vote for Kondo M-77 and M-1000. 
Modern Day Good Transport
You do not really have to buy an aftermarket power cord for the Lans and a super-duper digital cable (from transport to lens; the other one - from lens to dac - is another story). IMO it is a GREAT buy at 400$ (used). 
Jaybo - the future owner of Isis, probably already has a vette and harley ... 
Transparent Speaker cable and interconnects
I have recently tried several different balanced ICs - top models from Fadel Art, AudioQuest, Cardas, Nordost and Transparent Reference w/MM.Fadel Art Coherence was the best one - the most organic, natural sounding - very coherent indeed. The clos... 
DAC and Jitter box question.........
You should try Genesis Digital Lens - it is MUCH better than both Theta TLC and DIP (tried all of them when I had Theta Gen Va). The difference will amaze you. You can get Lens s/h for as little as 400$. 
What Is Best Monoblocks For Around $10,000 Used?
Since someone mentioned Krell cx series amps - I have had the Krell 700cx in my system for over two weeks. I was VERY happy with this amp. But then Lamm M1.2 Reference came and for me the search was over. They are so much better than the Krell (an... 
Nagra VPA versus Lamm ML1.1
Artg -> comparing stock vs stock, Nagra's rendition is several degrees cooler than Lamm's. But you are right - you can re-tube both to get a different sonic flavor. That is the beauty of tubes, isn't it?