

Responses from elberoth2

Anyone tried Acrolink power cables from Japan ?
I believe Branimir uses them. You may ask him directly. 
Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?
Elberoth2, I repeat, the B&O 500A module is not a complete amp. It will make no sound if you plug it in.You are obviously wrong. The 500A module is 100% plug & play. The only thing you need to run it ia a power supply. It is all written in... 
Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?
Muralman1 - then what else it is ? Unless H2O modifies the ICEpower modules, H20 amps are nothing more than an american made box, a toroid, rectifying bridge, a couple of caps and some wiring. That's it. No more, no less.For those who haven't seen... 
What preamp for Lamm M1.2 ?
Glai -> I was considering CAT amps too ... to be honest, JL-2 Sig was on top of my wish list for quite a while. I think it still is one of the best, maybe even better than the Lamms I got, but it is a tubed design and as such generates A LOT of... 
What's The Word On The Street? Bel Canto Ref 1000
I belive he is talkinag abou the eAR amps. In that case, the 888$/each price for 1000ASP based amps is right, but does not include US import duties (do not know how much they are).Ofc, even after paying the duties, the amp will be cheaper than Bel... 
What preamp for Lamm M1.2 ?
Thom_y,I am aware of the fact, that the DCC2 has an inbuild preamp. The problem with DCC2 (or AA Capitole for that matter) is that it sounds much better through an external preamp (preferebly tubed one) than direct. That was my experience, anyway.... 
Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?
In the lower ranges of hi-end - say to 5000$ - probably. In the upper reaches - not quite yet. The big Krells, Lamms etc still sound considerably better than any of the digital switching amps. 
What preamp for Lamm M1.2 ?
Kurt,Beeing 29, I unfortunately missed the great vinyl era. Since I remember, CDs were with me. As a resoult I do not have a single LP. On the other hand, I have over 800 CDs. I think it is too late for me to start assembling a vinyl collection, n... 
What's The Word On The Street? Bel Canto Ref 1000
IMO the cheapest 1000ASP equipped amps are Rotel monos - RB-1091. They cost around 3000 a pair. But I would rather pay the 1200$ extra and get the BelCanto. 
What preamp for Lamm M1.2 ?
Well, getting the CD7 is just one of the options I'm considering. The other option I seriously consider is Reimyo CDP777 and EMM DCC2/CDSD. In both cases I will need a preamp though. 
What preamp for Lamm M1.2 ?
Kurt,I'm thinking about getting a linestage simply 'cos AA sounds better through a GOOD pre with its onboard attenuation set to 0dB than direct. Besides, I was thinking of upgrading a CDP too, and not having a linestage limits my future choice qui... 
What's The Word On The Street? Bel Canto Ref 1000
Jeff Rowland charges twice as much for their 501 monos, and so does Egde.I would say they they are a steal.BTW - I still have to see a modified ICEpower ASP module. Seriously. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Glad to hear that. I think I will have to investigate the EMM combo once again then.BTW - I'm surprised that you have found the ST Galss connection to outperform the AES/EBU one. Many ppl (me including) have found otherwise, as you can read in EMM... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris -> is EMM still plagued with problems ? When I got a chance to evaluate it, there were sudden bursts of static noise which you could hear from time to time in the speakers. Also display on the CDSD have had mind of his own from time to... 
Best power amp below US $ 20.000,00 ??
Just to finish what I have started - the ICEpower amp was quite a surprise. It has wiped the floor with the Bel Canto eVo 4 - anther DSA amp, but based on Tripath technology - at 1/2 of cost. No wonder Bel Canto switched to ICEpower technology - i...