

Responses from elberoth2

Best ICE-powered amps ?
Edge digital amps are also ICEpower based, so they will sound very much like JRDG amps. 
Best ICE-powered amps ?
By all means do. I'm curious on your opinion on Kharma amp. I have heard it during CES, but never had a chance to try it at home.BTW - how does the Ayre compare to Pass ? 
Best ICE-powered amps ?
Chris - forget all those ICE powered amps. I have tried them on my Eidolons, and they don't make a synergistic match at all. You will get a flat and sterile sound from this combination. All ceramic based Avalons need someting warmer sounding since... 
Best power amp for Avalon Opus Ceramique
I wholeheartly agree with Jtinn. You need something fuller sounding, esp. in the midrange. For the same reason, I wouldn't try EMM Labs gear. 
Krell KPS-20i vs. BAT VKD-5SE
I have had KPS-20i on loan for couple of weeks. Although it has a very good bass and detail, it doesn't sound nowhere near as good in the midrange and soundstaging department as some of the modern CD players, like AA Capitole Reference or MBL 1531... 
Avantgarde Trio replacing Dunlavy SC-V?
Rives Audio PARC may be the solution you are looking for. It will help you get rid of the bass modes. 
Wadia ?
Great. Thasnks for an update ! 
Audiophile license plates
I sugest ONGAKU - this way only true audiophiles will know what it means. AFAIK Ongaku means music in Japanese.The other option would be LPLOVER.PS. I got a NO NAME vanity plates :-) LINK TO A PIC 
V=IR, Db=20 log V1/V2 , Bat 51SE
I own a BAT 51SE, I have tried it with more power amps than I can remember, both ss amd tube and bass roll off NEVER was an issue. 
Audio Aeros
There were basicly 3 versions of capitole CDP:Audio Aero Capitole introduced in 2000Audio Aero Capitole mk II introduced in 2002Audio Aero Capitole Reference introduced in 2005Capitole Reference is the current production version, which replaced th... 
Issues with KR 845 tubes in Nagra VPA Amps?
A friend of mine expirienced a tube failure twice in his VPAs. There was no other damage other than the tube itself. Each time tubes were replaced by Nagra under their 2-year warranty free of charge. 
Is the EMM Labs DCC2 dac better than the DAC6e?
Does anyone keep a count of EMM Labs threads disappearing ? 
EMM Lab CDSD transport motor resonating
Oneobgyn - so how came that you went through 3 different CDSDs if you didn't have a problem ? 
PAD Venustas
I have only heard the Venustas IC, but I fully agree with Boa2 comments. They are spot on. 
EMM Lab CDSD transport motor resonating
I also got a pop in the pair I have had on loan. It was much better than the previous pair though (from a year or so ago) which was a disaster - the display had a mind of his own, the motor was resonating and there were constant pops when the musi...