

Responses from elberoth2

Best power amp below US $ 20.000,00 ??
Artizen65 -> I have heard the all kW setup (CDT/DAC/pre/power amp) during the last HiFi Show and it was one of the worst sounds of the show. I have never/ever heard SF Guarnieris that were hooked up sounding so plain bad. The sound was thin, br... 
Best power amp below US $ 20.000,00 ??
Rushton -> Atma MA-3 is around 28k new, which is a over my budget. I could probably strech it a little bit more if only Atmas weren't so ugly ! I think my wife would divorce me If I got those home. j/k. Plus, them must generate an awful lot of ... 
Ultimate Amplifier for the next 20 Years
I have Plinius 102 right now and it runs freaking hot ! (at least in his Class A setting). 
Quick Q to Plinius 102 owners.
timothywas1 -> thanks for the warning. fortunately for me, I noticed the rotary switch at the back and set it to XLR stereo before switching on the amp.I have also notced thet the amp reverts to class A/B operation after 30 minutes (or so) when... 
DartZeel compared to Pass Labs XA-160/200's
Downunder -> I heard the Aniversarios driven by 40W tube amp (using 4xKT88 tubes). The combination souded excelent, so I assume the new SFs are not a that difficoult to drive. 
Best power amp below US $ 20.000,00 ??
Stehno -> I read that review. That is why I want to listen to NuForce amps as well, even though they cost pennies next to other amps we are discussing here. I should have them after X-mas - I was hoping to get them this week, but unfortunately,... 
Quick Q to Plinius 102 owners.
Thanks. That is what I thought. 
Best power amp below US $ 20.000,00 ??
Boa2 -> I'm aware of deHavilland amp. The only thing that is putting me off that amp is the fact, that the DIY amp I mentioned was MUCH more sofisticated than deHavilland offering: hand wound transformers, all NOS paper-in-oil caps, all tube re... 
Best power amp below US $ 20.000,00 ??
I'm looking for an amp to drive my Avalon Eidolon Visions. The source is AA Capitole mk II SE run direct. The AA is a temporary solution - I plan to replace it with a full function pre and a better source components when I'm done with the amp. Rig... 
VTL, CTC, Lamm, ARC, EAR, Halcro, Mark Levison
David,The ones from Audiogon will most likely have 110V power supply, which is a problem at this level of the game.You may e-mail used Downunder - AFAIK he have had his VTL 7.5 with 230V ps for sale. 
Theta Pro Basic II DAC......still a contender?
IMO Theta Basic II is still an excelent sounding dac for the (used) price. It eats most of the current budget players for breakfast. It is very highly sensitive to jitter though, so a good transport or a reclocking device is a must. I have tried b... 
Avalon Eidolon has marks on midrange speaker
I do not have those on mine (6 months old) but read here on AgoN that it is normal. Discolorations apperar over time and do not influence the sound quality. 
Reliability issue - Nagra VPA power not KR tube
I have VPAs, but they are on dealer loan, so I can not really speak about reliability issues from my expirience. However, a close friend of mine is running VPAs for more than 2 years now, first with chinese tubes, and now with KR tubes and only on... 
dcs owners--
ozy - I know he tried the Hydra-8 first, but didn't like the sound (it somehow muted dynamics). Interestingly, he got much better performance from Hydra-6, the cheaper model, which he ended up buying. 
dcs owners--
Ozy - I know what you mean. n/v cables are not my cup of tee either. I found them to thin and anylitycal sounding on almost every equipment except maybe the warmest and most syroupy sounding.But, to be honest, IMO the n/v power cords are the most ...