

Responses from elberoth2

Opinion on below 2 CD players ?
Basicly there are 3 different versions of Capitole: the original Capitole (now known as mk I) ca. year 2000, the most popular mk II (2002 me thinks) and the latest Reference (for whatever reason instead of going for mk III sufix they named the new... 
Searching for power amps with low damping factor.
Check out the NuForce - they have a damping factor of over 1000 or something. 
power cords for 220v
No, as long as the plug fits your mains outlet. 
Plinius 9200 or Gryphon Callisto 2200
I have had both Callisto 2100 and 2200 at home. I also had Plinius 8100 (but not the newer 9200) and SA102.Both Plinius and Gryphon have a very distinctive sonic signatures, and a VERY different ones at that.Gryphon is a typical #1 flavor (i.e. ve... 
Brandnew WADIA Decoding Computer
I have seen one at CES. the retail is US$27k. The matching transport will follow. They also introduced 2 new SACD players, that look similar to 861. 
Opinions on the Bel Canto Evo 4 Gen II
After comparing my eVo 4 mk II to the newer Bel Canto S300, I can only say that the later simply embarassed the older amp. MUCH better (warmer and more natural) midrange, wider and again MUCH deeper soundstage, more open on top.Anyway - after hear... 
optical or coaxial ? your thoughts on Monster
I second the van den Hul Optocoupler as the best value for money digital cable. This is possibly the best TosLink cable money can buy and it is also better than many more expensive coax cables. 
Accepting International Payments Just Got Harder..
I cannot understand why ppl still insist on using checks / MO in int deals - wire transfers are so much safer/faster. 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
From hwl SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS GmbH web site:1987 John Sandercock founded JRS Scientific Instruments to develop active isolation systems for the growing market1991 Introduction of the modular system MOD-2 1995 Introduction of a self-contained uni... 
Anyone going to CES/THE?
I'm attending the show and AFAIK Branimir is also coming. For us europeans it is quite a trip though - talk about nearly 20h of flight one way ! 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
Was the Halycronics worth the (high) price of admission ? Don't you think that spending that money on other components could be more beneficial (you could buy a better pre, amp, speakers etc.) ? 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
Tbg - I think that absorption is not exactly the same as coupling to the ground. What we would need here, is not absorption, but some kind of mechanical diode (if such a thing exists) which would only let the vigrations travel in one way (from equ... 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
Tbg -> can you name those solutions ? 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
I have a question to ppl wiser than me on this subject.What is the prime function of equipment supports ? Should they isolate the equipment from seismic vibrations ? Or maybe on the contrary - they should couple the equipment to the floor, like so... 
PS audio power condtioners....fan noise?
The fan is indeed audible. It is not that noisy as a stand alone computer (there are at least two noisy fans afterall) but I could easly hear mine from 10 feet away.Fortunately there are at least 2 ways of solving this problem.One is replacing the...