

Responses from elberoth2

Advice on aging Krell CD player
Sounds like a laser thing. Cleaning may help, but it is probably reaching the end of his days. 
Best amp & source with Lamm M1.1 / M1.2
Byfo,I have answered this very question in this thread:CLICKY! 
mbl or levinson for wilson sophia
Why not ARC Ref 210 ? ARC was demoing their new 210 monos with Sophias during CES2006 and the combination was very good. 
What happened to Barclay Digital ?
Yes, I know. I have never seen this model before. 
Does Lamm L1 sounds as sweet as Lamm LL2 ???
Rcprince - correct. That is how my window glass is constructed. In my case Rw (that is the parameter used to describe the noise attenuation of the window) = 44dB. 
Does Lamm L1 sounds as sweet as Lamm LL2 ???
T7279mw,Double glassing and sound proofing are two different things. Sound proof glass is constructed from several layers of glass, glued together (like car windshild). 
Lamm ML1.1 or M1.2
This is one of the questions I keep asking myself :-)I went with the M1.2 for my Eidolons Vision. 
Does Lamm L1 sounds as sweet as Lamm LL2 ???
T7279mw - I have had the very same problem. I solved it by ordering sound proof windows. It costed me $2500, but it was by far the best mod ever. 
Can a Theta Digital Miles CDP be modified?
Shure it can, as every other player. You can replace PS caps with Black Gates, go for fast recovery diodes, install a new clock etc.Empirical Audio is a good place to start. 
Lamm ML2.1 and Avalon Eidolon ?
Frankg - I'm borrowing a EMM DCC2/CDSD combo from my friend for a couple of days, so we will see. 
Tube amp for Avalon Eidolon ?
If you are talking about the last RMAF show, Avalon was not exhibiting - they were supporting one of their dealers, that also happen to carry Boulder. 
Lamm ML2.1 and Avalon Eidolon ?
No, it was a DIY amp made by a local enthusiast. GM70 driven by 300B, which in turn was driven by 6N6. Tube rectified and regulated power supply, hand wound transformers etc. 50kg (per channel) of pure triode magic. 
Tube amp for Avalon Eidolon ?
Audiodiver - I tried the VPA with my Visions and they drove them without any problems. I much prefered my Lamm M1.2 Ref though, which are a better amps alllaround IMO. 
Lamm ML1.1 & ML 2.1
711smilin - how does the Lamm compare to Cary 211 ? 
Difference between SET and push-pull using 300B
Properly designed push-pull can be as good as SET amp. 100.000$ Kondo Gaku-OH is a push-pull.